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Joe Edwards is just weeks way from finishing his BA Graphic Design degree course at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD) and has already set up and launched his own business.

A smiling student wearing a black sweatshirt standing in front of a bookshelf full of books.

Graff Shack, will enable clients to visit a small studio space for print work designed by Joe and other artists, with skills and expertise learned at UWTSD Swansea College of Art.

Joe said: “I’m currently living in Swansea but will soon be moving back to Merthyr and from a small garage I’ll be running Graff Shack, allowing clients to visit the small studio space for any print work they need. My business will also be available online offering shipping for clients further away. 

“Over the next five years, I hope to have helped a huge range of clients. A big aim for me not only now but to carry through this business is to help other creatives such as artists and other graphic designers get their work out into the world, whether that’s putting them in touch with clients or to get their work printed.”

Joe said he chose to study at UWTSD because he wanted to explore his creativity and learn more about the field of graphic design. 

He said: “I wasn’t sure I wanted to start my own business until I worked in Oner (a print shop in Swansea city centre) and I fell in love with print work and creating physical work. I knew I wanted to start something that I could be proud of and use to help others. Coming from a background of small-time art and being creative, I fit right in with the world of graphic design and I’m excited to keep this passion going after finishing university.”

 Joe added: “The BA Graphic Design course has taught me many skills that I will continue to use throughout my future practice. It has showed me how to conduct myself professionally and has taught me the importance of branding as well as how to market myself. The tutors have been supportive throughout my time here and have made the whole experience so enjoyable.

“To any students wanting or considering taking graphic design, I say go for it! If you’re creative or interested in anything to do with type, then it’s certainly a course for you!”

Further Information

Rebecca Davies

Executive Press and Media Relations Officer    
Corporate Communications and PR    
Phone: 07384 467071

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