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Eunice Moyo recently completed her Master’s in Professional Practice at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD), marking a significant milestone in her career and fulfilling her long-held dream of further academic study.

Eunice Moyo wearing her cap and gown ready for graduation

Eunice chose this course because it was closely aligned with the project she was managing at the time. The work-based nature of the course allowed her to directly apply her studies to her professional responsibilities. This practical approach has been incredibly beneficial, enhancing her project management capabilities and improving her ability to use both qualitative and quantitative research methods. By employing these techniques, Eunice has been able to prepare comprehensive reports for senior management, Social Care Wales, Health Education Improvement Wales, and Local Authorities. Her newfound ability to present clear and concise evaluations has greatly improved the quality of her reports, providing detailed data comparisons instrumental in planning future events.

The impact of Eunice’s studies on her workplace has been substantial. She said:

“This award has not only created opportunities for other project evaluations but also allowed me to recommend findings that have led to significant improvements in our work processes. The project evaluation will be presented to the Workforce Managers, who utilised this information to secure funding streams. This has enabled us to enhance our capabilities and resources, ultimately contributing to a more efficient and effective workplace.”

On a personal level, Eunice’s journey through the course has been transformative. She has proven her ability to work under pressure and achieve her goals despite challenges. She adds:

“This experience has helped me understand my capabilities more deeply, and I have spent considerable time reflecting on my personal development.”

Eunice now feels confident in mentoring others, helping them stay positive and focused on their achievements.

“My organisational skills have improved and have enabled me to manage multiple tasks simultaneously, ensuring that each aspect of a project is on track and aligned with our overall objectives. The course taught me that perseverance is key to achieving long-term goals. Facing challenges head-on and persistently working towards solutions has become a central part of my approach, resulting in tangible, positive outcomes.”

The course was tailored to Eunice’s needs within her workplace, allowing her to use her current project as the basis for her studies. This focus improved her ability to write formal reports and documents, presenting data clearly and conveying complex information comprehensively. Her enhanced formal writing skills have enabled her to communicate more persuasively with stakeholders, ensuring that her reports are not only informative but also compelling.

The MA in Professional Practice has opened doors for her to apply for higher positions as they become available. She adds:

“This achievement is a significant milestone in my career, providing the necessary credentials and confidence to pursue advanced roles within the organisation.”

It also supports her performance appraisal, demonstrating her commitment to professional development and enhancing her value as an employee.

Eunice found the course to be perfectly aligned with her time constraints and professional responsibilities. It was well-structured, allowing her to balance work commitments while enhancing her skills and knowledge. The course material was immediately applicable to her role, making it a valuable and practical learning experience.

Reflecting on her time as a student, Eunice said:

“The experience was great, and the tutors were incredibly supportive and knowledgeable. Their guidance was instrumental in my success.”

Eunice would definitely recommend this course to others, given its relevance, practicality, and the significant impact it has had on her professional and personal development.

Sarah Loxdale, Senior Lecturer within the Professional Practice team, commented:

“Eunice’s journey exemplifies the transformative power of the MA in Professional Practice. Our program is designed to integrate academic learning with real-world application, and Eunice has demonstrated how effectively this can enhance both personal growth and professional capability.”

Lowri Harris, the Professional Practice Programme Manager, added:

“We are incredibly proud of Eunice’s accomplishments. Her success showcases the programme’s ability to adapt to individual professional needs and support students in achieving their career aspirations. Eunice’s story is a testament to the practical value and impact of our curriculum.”

Further Information

Lowri Thomas

Principal Communications and PR Officer     
Corporate Communications and PR     
Phone: 07449 998476

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