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The University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD) is delighted to announce that Maria Stedman has been awarded an Honorary Fellowship. 

Elwen Evans KC, Sarah Clark, Maria Stedman and Emlyn Dole in their gowns on graduation day in Carmarthen

This prestigious honour was conferred during today’s graduation ceremony, celebrating Maria’s outstanding contributions to public finance, education, and governance.

During the ceremony, Sarah Clark, Clerk to the University Council, remarked: “It gives me immense pleasure to present Maria Stedman for this Honorary Fellowship. Maria has demonstrated unwavering commitment and exceptional leadership throughout her career. Her contributions have had a profound impact, and we are thrilled to acknowledge her dedication and achievements today.”

Maria Stedman was born in London to Welsh parents and later moved to Wales, where she was raised in a bilingual environment. She attended school in Carmarthen and initially pursued a mathematics degree at Cardiff University before discovering her true passion for public finance and governance. Her career began at Dyfed County Council, where she realised her enthusiasm for the field. Determined to further her qualifications, she completed an OND in Public Administration at Coleg Sir Gar and later obtained a professional accountancy qualification with CIPFA - the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy.

Maria’s distinguished career includes senior roles in Dyfed and Carmarthenshire County Councils and as Assistant Director of Finance at Swansea University. She has been actively involved in professional networks and has held various voluntary roles within CIPFA. Post-devolution, she was appointed as Head of CIPFA Wales, where she established the Welsh office and further enhanced the professional standing of those in public finance.

Since retiring, Maria has continued to contribute through numerous voluntary roles, including school governor, treasurer of the International Celtic Film Festival, member of the Audit Committee of the Welsh Language Commissioner, and Vice-Chair of the Local Federation of Primary Schools. She balances these roles with her family life and as a grandmother to eight grandchildren.

Maria’s long association with the University began over 20 years ago, when it was known as Trinity University College. She was subsequently appointed to the UWTSD Council, where she served as Chair of the Audit Committee and Vice-Chair to Randolph Thomas until both stood down in 2023. Her leadership extended to the governing boards of the University’s partner colleges, Coleg Sir Gar and Coleg Ceredigion, where she became Chair in 2015.

Upon receiving the award, Maria Stedman expressed her gratitude, saying, “I am deeply honoured to be recognised by the University of Wales Trinity Saint David. This institution holds a special place in my heart, and I am incredibly grateful for this recognition. It has been a privilege to contribute to my field and my community, and I look forward to continuing to support UWTSD in any way I can.”

Sarah Clark concluded: “Maria Stedman’s contributions to her profession and her community are truly remarkable. We are honoured to present her with this Honorary Fellowship, and we are grateful for her ongoing support and dedication to UWTSD.”

Further Information

Arwel Lloyd

Principal PR and Communications Officer    
Corporate Communications and PR    
Phone: 07384 467076

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