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Xion Da Breo is celebrating this summer, marking the culmination of an extraordinary journey that began in January 2022 when he and thirty-six other students from Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG) arrived in Wales to embark on an educational and cultural experience.

an image of Xion in his cap and gown

When he first arrived on UWTSD’s Lampeter campus, which would be home to him and his fellow students from SVG for the next two and a half years, Xion’s initial impressions were exactly as you might expect when arriving in rural Wales in the middle of winter from the tropical Caribbean. 

He said: “When I arrived in Lampeter, my first thought was that it was freezing cold and that there was a lot of sheep! I heard them at night before going to sleep and first thing in the morning as I woke up. Everything in my new home was fresh and exciting and I embraced it with open arms.”

UWTSD was pleased to offer a scholarship scheme in partnership with Mr Ralph Gonsalves, Prime Minister of SVG following discussions with the then HRH The Prince of Wales in the aftermath of the Volcano eruption on St Vincent in April 2021.

It was Xion’s mother who encouraged him to apply for the scholarship.  Though not initially convinced this was the path for him, with some persuasion, he made his application to study BA International Development and Global Politics at Lampeter, a course identified by his home government as beneficial to the country’s development. Packing his bags, he made the long journey to Wales.

During his time here, Xion has embraced life on the rural Lampeter campus, eagerly participating in with extra-curricular activities and engaging with the local community. He has also immersed himself in the Welsh language and culture and said:

“I joined the town’s carnival committee as a way to learn about Welsh culture and to exchange some of our island’s own. When I go back to St Vincent and the Grenadines I will be trying out the greetings of ‘Shwmae’ and ‘Bore da’ on my friends and family, in the hope of bringing a little bit of Wales to my hometown, Clare Valley.”

“I’ve even come to love watching rugby and have joined the campus rugby team. While it has been good to learn the game, the physicality of it has been pretty scary at times!”

students standing in front of Welsh flag

As well as taking home with him some of the Welsh culture, Xion looks forward to returning to SVG to have a positive impact and put what he’s learnt on his degree programme to practice.

He said: “I want apply my degree to benefit my local community. I intend on using the knowledge and skills I have acquired by interacting with local organisations, such as the Red Cross or religious groups, in an effort to improve the community in a way that is both environmentally sustainable and equitable to all.”

He continues: “I have loved my time in Lampeter and am grateful for the friends that I have made and have contributed so much to my time here.” 

Just as Lampeter has shaped him, Xion’s vibrant personality and enthusiasm will leave a lasting mark on Lampeter. His involvement in campus and town life has enriched the community.

Further Information

Mared Anthony

Communications and PR Officer: Alumni Relations   
Corporate Communications and PR    
Phone: +447482256996

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