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As part of its annual Nexus Learning and Teaching Conference, the University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD) acknowledged staff achievements across its campuses. The Awards Ceremony, recognised excellence in innovation, student engagement, and collaboration. The Ceremony, featuring 11 categories, was held in person and online on Thursday, 29 June.

The awards, blocks of wood with painted blue sides, spread out on a matching blue tablecloth.

The category winners were:

Bilingual and Welsh-medium teaching and learning Award

Gwenllian Beynon, Swansea School of Art

Gwenllian has made remarkable achievements in promoting bilingualism and Welsh culture in Art and Design. She successfully created a strong bilingual culture by encouraging communication in Welsh among students and staff. Her efforts resulted in securing College Cymraeg Cenedlaethol funding consistently by increasing the number of students studying modules bilingually. Notably, she initiated the Annual St David’s Day Lecture and Awards ceremony, becoming a significant event that celebrates Welsh language and culture. She also empowered field students to effectively use Welsh in communicating their ideas, evident in their work. Her support for students in using Welsh language during discussions has enhanced their employability and transformed the culture within the Art and Design. Additionally, her innovative thinking brought resident artists to motivate Welsh medium students. Overall, her dedication to bilingualism, Welsh culture, and student support has made her a highly influential figure deserving recognition within the University.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Champion Award

Rachel Bendall, Centre for Teacher Education

Rachel has shown an exemplary commitment to anti-racism and driving meaningful change within her team. She has developed a strategic plan that improved understanding of diversity, equity, and inclusion, and coordinated professional learning opportunities to decolonise the curriculum and module provision. Her leadership has created a safe and inclusive environment, and she has been an advocate for equity and justice in the wider community. She goes beyond her role to support colleagues and influence support for student learning in relation to EDI. Her collaborative and inclusive approach to professional learning has raised awareness of key EDI issues. Her advocacy has contributed to a culture of respect and inclusivity, and she has championed underrepresented student groups to create a more equitable learning environment. Her sustained efforts and significant influence make her highly deserving of the EDI award.

Exemplary Support Project Award

Paul Davies, Patrick Atkinson, Elizabeth Cullen, and Kimberley Jenkins, IT Systems and Infrastructure, and Student Services

The award-winning project has enhanced the Student Services Department’s Record of Support Provision (RSP) by implementing a system within the University’s online portal, MyTSD. This eliminates manual data maintenance, automates timesheets and invoice reports, and provides immediate access to support summaries and guidance. The RSP system has significantly streamlined processes and enhanced the support services offered by UWTSD’s Student Services.

Employability Champion Award

Stacey-Jo Atkinson, Design and Performing Industries

Stacey-Jo is a program manager, who ensures that all modules in her programme simulate real-world methodologies and working practices. She tirelessly creates work placements and industry opportunities for students at all levels, going the extra mile to support and empower them to gain valuable experience. Many students secure employment with these placement companies after graduation, strengthening industry links and raising the profile of creative industries courses. Her dedication to integrating industry skills and employability attributes has led to immediate success for students, who are frequently invited back by companies they’ve worked with. Her work significantly enhances student employability and fosters strong connections between the programme and the professional industry.

Special Collaborative Award

Graduation Ceremonies 2022 team: Tanya McIver, Kieran Bennett, Darren Green, Elin Bishop, Sioned Russell, Eirwen Nicholls, Kelly Williams, Domina Baker and Lucy Gilbert

This cross-campus team last summer made an incredible effort to celebrate our students’ success after years of lockdown. They worked tirelessly to organise more than 25 graduation ceremonies, bringing together colleagues across the professional services and all campuses, including setting up first-time ceremonies.

Innovative Learning and Teaching Project Award

Barry John, Engineering in the Wales Institute for Science and Art

The engineering departments at UWTSD and Gower College Swansea have established a strong partnership to support a level 3 program in motorsport engineering. The collaboration aims to engage learners who may have otherwise left full-time education but have a passion for this field. GCS learners attend UWTSD engineering every Tuesday, benefiting from the resources and expertise of the staff. The project has been a tremendous success, with the number of learners increasing from 11 to 31 across two groups. More than 50% of these students have applied to UWTSD engineering through UCAS, demonstrating the project’s impact in making higher education accessible. The learners have gained valuable experience working with professional motorsport engineers and students at different academic levels, enhancing their confidence and providing them with unique learning opportunities. Barry John has played a crucial role in facilitating this collaboration and has built excellent relationships with GCS lecturers, upskilling them in motorsport engineering.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Project Award

Cindy Hunt and Helen Griffiths, Centre for Childhood, Youth and Education

This project is a collaboration with ABC Opera, led by Mark Llewelyn Evans, to promote community-based participation in opera among children who may not typically have such opportunities. The project aims to engage children in community settings, foster innovative approaches to learning, and provide students with cross-curricular teaching experience. Through this collaboration, students develop their understanding of inclusive teaching methods and ensure the participation of all children, respecting their rights based on the UNCRC. The project has facilitated networking and relationships with ABC Opera and community schools, leading to positive outcomes such as an invitation for ABC Opera to discuss their work with Baroness Whitaker at the House of Commons.

Exemplary Research Supervision Award

Dr Argyro Kantara, Humanities and Social Sciences

Argyro joined the University as a supervisor for international Professional Doctorate students. Despite being unfamiliar with specific supervisory procedures at UWTSD initially, she successfully supervised 10 students during the COVID-19 pandemic. Her exceptional approach to supervision led to her being allocated an additional 4 students. She quickly developed effective cross-cultural communication strategies, particularly with Chinese students. Her rapport with students is exemplary, striking a balance between managing expectations and achieving the best outcomes. The “pre-emptive action plans” she implemented are considered sector-leading and should be seen as best practice, especially for international students. She actively sought mentoring and support from programme managers and the IMoRD, demonstrating proactive collaboration.

Collaborative Team Award

Rebecca Ellis, Chris Buxton, Kylie Boon, Rob Jones and Lynne Seymour from Design and Performing Industries

A Film Production Simulation Experience called ‘Specialisms Week’ was created in response to feedback from BA Film & TV students who desired more collaboration and industry-standard practical film-making experience. This week-long project involved approximately 60 participants from BA Film & TV and BA Acting courses. Students were assigned roles such as writers, directors, editors, and cinematographers, and were tasked with adapting a short story. Students from the BA Acting course joined the productions, providing an opportunity for both groups to gain valuable on-set experience. The outcome of the week was the production of finished films for the students’ portfolios. The collaboration between courses and the involvement of external organizations, Cardiff Museum and Plantasia, resulted in partnerships and future opportunities for live client briefs. The project addressed the students’ desire for collaboration, enhanced their social skills, and provided them with creative networks for future projects. Testimonials from students highlighted the positive impact of the Specialisms Week project, including expanded skillsets, increased confidence, and valuable industry communication experience.

Inspirational Colleague Award

Dr Jayne Griffith Parry, Hospitality and Tourism Management

Jayne has been instrumental in promoting the university on national and international platforms. Her notable achievement includes organising the Young Chef and Young Waiter (YCYW) awards, which garnered media attention and projected the university’s reputation. The YCYW awards highlight the hospitality industry as a career choice and a profession, offering diverse opportunities beyond traditional academic pathways. The award winner has revitalised the perception of vocational education by engaging a wider audience and showcasing the success stories of her programmes. She ensures her team receives recognition for their achievements and fosters a creative and contemporary atmosphere within the IHM corridor. 

Additionally, she facilitated the World YCYW event, minimizing costs for attendees and inviting, not only academic staff, but also administration members and doctoral students. This inclusive approach inspired the students and emphasised the importance of the hospitality sector. Furthermore, she is working on bridging the gap between academics and practitioners by developing a DBA programme, which aligns with the Research Excellence Framework (REF) to measure the impact of research on practice. Overall, her work demonstrates her commitment to adding value to her domain and promoting the relevance and significance of the IHM programmes.

In addition, Honourable Mention was made for the Springboard project led by the University’s Birmingham campus and the staff involved, namely, Dr John Deane, Mark Gallagher-Read, Besty Jose, Yohan Mendis, Ellie Ristic and Stephanie Ng, Institute of Inner City Learning.

Springboard is an initiative at Birmingham for new CertHE students. It provides a day of workshops and activities before the start of term to help students gain confidence and understand more about their upcoming course. Students who attend Springboard gain more confidence, have a better understanding of their course and subjects, and have the opportunity to meet teaching staff and the programme managers. Since May 2022, Springboard sessions have been conducted each term, with approximately 301 students attending one-day sessions. The initiative has received full support from staff members who recognise its positive impact on new students.

Further Information

Eleri Beynon

Head of Corporate Communications and PR  
Corporate Communications and PR  
Phone: 07968 249335

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