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Emma Williams, ICT Technical Officer in the ICT and Corporate Policy Division at Carmarthenshire County Council, discovered UWTSD Digital Degree Apprenticeships after an email arrived at the council’s ICT section, giving information about Welsh Government funding to support eligible employees to undertake a degree.

Emma Williams smiles slightly while wearing an academic hat and gown with a golden hood.

“I immediately jumped at the chance to apply for the BSc in Computing (Computer Networks & Cybersecurity) pathway, as I thought this was a fantastic opportunity,” she said.

She has found her studies rewarding on multiple levels.

“One significant benefit is the increase in confidence I have gained,” she says. “I now have the confidence to attend university events to discuss my journey, speak up in work meetings and liaise with others in a more confident manner.”

She started the degree while working as an ICT Digital Support Engineer, and her studies gave her the boost she needed to apply for the role of ICT Technical Officer. Since September 2022, she has worked within the Cybersecurity team, in a role that enables and inspires her to continue to grow and develop.

“I am very lucky that my employer is so encouraging and supportive of us Digital Degree Apprenticeship students, enabling us to grow as employees,” she said. “We bring what we learn and experience back into the workplace and contribute to the service. Carmarthenshire County Council is a very encouraging and supportive employer, we are able to take the time to study and develop both personally and professionally, contributing what we learn and experience back to the workplace and service.” 

Emma’s plans are to continue with her learning and development through work related and cybersecurity training.

She said: “Cybersecurity is a fast paced ever changing subject and to mitigate and manage threats requires constant learning and knowledge building.”

Further Information

Rebecca Davies

Executive Press and Media Relations Officer    
Corporate Communications and PR    
Phone: 07384 467071

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