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Lleucu Williams, a graduate of the BA Set Design and Production course from the University of Wales Trinity Saint David is busy working as a Costume Supervisor and Assistant Stage Manager on tour with Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru on their latest show, ‘Swyn’ which is currently on tour.

Smiling, Lleucu Williams sits cross-legged on a hump of fake grass on the stage set.

‘Swyn’ is a dance theatre show that interweaves the Welsh language with BSL. The show tells the story of a little girl who loves everything about nature but finds it difficult to connect with other people. Through adventure, Swyn creates friends and connections with animals and learns how to be a good friend. ‘Swyn’ is a lovely show for children under 7 years old, and it’s a great opportunity for many children to have the experience of watching a show in a theatre for the very first time.  

Lleucu said:

“It’s a great feeling to work with Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru on this production. I’m fortunate to be able to say that Swyn is my second show with the company. Before working on this show, I was a Costume Supervisor on the show Rhinoseros, and it was definitely a challenging show as my first job outside of University. But I enjoyed every moment of the process and the journey.”

Since childhood, Lleucu has loved all aspects of theatre, but never thought she would one day be working within the industry, and as one decision led to another over the years, she decided to come to Carmarthen to study. She wished to stay in Wales to study so that she could network and build relationships with local theatres. The fact that Yr Egin and Y Llwyfan were on the Carmarthen Campus appealed to her greatly.

She added:

“When I started at University, I didn’t know anything about theatre terminology, the kind of different roles, or the process of putting a show together. Everything I learned at University and all the opportunities I had all helped me fulfil my role and work with a professional company.”

During her time at the University, Lleucu gained several experiences to help her get to know the industry better. When Lleucu was in her second year, she had the opportunity to collaborate with WAVDA on the Cardiff campus to design three shows with two other students from the course, and then in her third year she was called back to help them, but this time as an individual. Lleucu Said:

“Designing for the WAVDA shows was an opportunity to work with industry professionals and be able to see a show come together for the first time.”

Whilst in her third year, Lleucu also had the opportunity to shadow stage managers from the production ‘Pijin’ when Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru came to rehearse at Y Llwyfan on campus. She said:

“Through this experience, I had the opportunity to work with the Theatr Genedlaethol in the first place.  I would advise any student to take every experience and opportunity whilst at the University, and to network with different companies.”

When Lleucu was a student, she realised that she had gained self-confidence and developed significantly as an individual. She was also grateful to her lecturers for their constant support, as:

“They continued to get to know us, to see our passions and skills, and kept offering up new experiences to push us further.”

Dressed for graduation, Lleucu Williams smiles to the camera.

Stacey-Jo Atkinson, Co Programme Manager of BA Set Design and Production at UWTSD, said:

“It is the best part of the job, seeing our students and graduates succeed in the creative industries. One of the key aspects of the degree is to make sure we are providing a variety of skills and industry opportunities to our students in order for them to find their chosen pathway and passion.

“It is a joy to see so many of our Welsh language students, graduates and Welsh learners staying in Wales and going on to work in Welsh language theatre. Most recently we have had three graduates work for Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru, only one of them being a fluent Welsh speaker, Lleucu, the others have been from Oxford and Canada.  We continue to promote Welsh language opportunities and Welsh language theatre within the course.”

As Lleucu’s career continues to develop, she hopes to collaborate with more theatre companies in North Wales.

Further Information

Lowri Thomas

Principal Communications and PR Officer     
Corporate Communications and PR     
Phone: 07449 998476

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