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UWTSD London Business Management graduate Khadija El Maski’s learing journey began in Morocco and then in Italy when her family relocated there. She completed her secondary education and was awarded a diploma in accounting. It was during this time that her fascination with the intricacies of business and management began to flourish, igniting a desire to delve deeper into this field through higher education.

Wearing an academic gown and hat, Khadija El Maski smiles towards in camera.

She said: “When researching potential universities, the University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD) stood out to me due to its renowned reputation for delivering exceptional business education and its strong focus on practical learning experiences. The university’s extensive industry connections and opportunities for internships and placements piqued my interest, as I valued the chance to gain hands-on experience in real-world business environments.

“UWTSD’s vibrant campus and supportive community atmosphere greatly appealed to me, making it the perfect choice for my undergraduate studies.”

Throughout her academic journey, Khadija’s passion for business management continued to grow, along with a strong desire to acquire a comprehensive understanding of various business functions.

“This drove me to pursue a degree in Business Management at UWTSD, where I was eager to immerse myself in a dynamic learning environment that would equip me with the skills and knowledge necessary for a successful career in the business world,” she said.

During the course, Khadija had the opportunity to explore various aspects of business management through a combination of theoretical learning and practical applications.

“The highlights of my course included engaging lectures by knowledgeable professors, interactive group projects that fostered teamwork and problem-solving skills, and insightful guest speaker sessions from industry professionals. Additionally, the course provided opportunities for networking, attending business conferences, and participating in case competitions, which further enriched my learning experience,” she said.

“Alongside my studies, I actively pursued specialised work experiences and placements to enhance my practical skills and apply theoretical knowledge in real-world settings. I completed internships at prominent companies in the business sector, where I gained valuable insights into various business operations and processes. Additionally, I conducted research on emerging market trends and contributed to academic projects, further deepening my understanding of specific business areas.”

Khadija said she would highly recommend the Business Management course to others.

“The course encourages critical thinking, fosters practical problem-solving skills, and prepares students to adapt to the ever-changing business landscape. The university’s strong industry connections and emphasis on practical learning provide ample opportunities for students to gain real-world experience and network with professionals.

She said the course also had a significant impact on both her professional and personal development.

“Professionally, the knowledge and skills I acquired during my studies have been instrumental in securing my current role as Senior Operations Management at UWTSD. The course equipped me with a solid understanding of business principles, strategic thinking abilities, and effective leadership skills. Personally, the course has fostered my self-confidence, expanded my perspective on global business trends, and enabled me to build a valuable network of professionals and like-minded individuals.”

Khadija is now looking to further advance her career in the field of operations management.

“I aim to take on increasing responsibilities, contribute to the growth and success of the organisation, and continue my professional development through relevant certifications and industry-related courses.

“I would also like to pursue higher education again in the future to continue to deepen my knowledge and expertise in business management.”

Further Information

Rebecca Davies

Executive Press and Media Relations Officer    
Corporate Communications and PR    
Phone: 07384 467071

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