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The University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD) is delighted to announce the graduation of Rachael Bone from the Lampeter campus. Originally hailing from Houghton-le-Spring, Tyne and Wear, Rachael has successfully completed her degree in Ancient Civilisations, marking a significant milestone in her academic journey.

Rachael Bone in graduation gown in Lampeter

Rachael’s journey to UWTSD was an unexpected yet fortuitous one. With a background of a civil servant father and a sign language interpreter mother, Rachael initially struggled to decide on a specific period of history to study at university. It was her father’s discovery of UWTSD’s Ancient History courses that brought the university to her attention. The diverse range of courses and the appealing block teaching style convinced her to explore further.

“I wasn’t initially sure about what period of history I wanted to study,” Rachael recalls. “My dad found UWTSD and showed me the Ancient History courses. The diverse range of subjects, especially Ancient Egypt, really caught my eye.”

Her decision to pursue Ancient Civilisations was solidified after attending an open day and meeting Dr Katharina Zinn. This meeting confirmed her passion for the subject and set her on a path of discovery and academic fulfilment.

Course Highlights and Achievements

During her time at UWTSD, Rachael experienced numerous academic and practical highlights. Handling real artefacts, both at the university and during a trip to the Swansea Egypt Centre, was a standout experience. “It was surreal to touch and hold objects created in Ancient Egypt,” she shares.

Rachael also participated in an archaeological dig at Llanllyr, where she found joy in digging and cataloguing artefacts, despite the challenging weather. Her work experience at the Aberystwyth archive further solidified her interest in pursuing a career in archival work.

The challenges of studying far from home and adjusting to her new environment initially impacted Rachael’s mental health. However, the university’s supportive community and the discovery of her diagnoses of Dyslexia and ADHD allowed her to find the necessary accommodations and thrive academically.

Future Aspirations

With a solid foundation in Ancient Civilisations, Rachael plans to continue her education with a Master’s degree in Egyptology. Her time at UWTSD not only shaped her professional aspirations but also enriched her personal life, as she met her current partner, whom she proposed to this year.

Recommendations and Reflections

Rachael wholeheartedly recommends the Ancient Civilisations course at UWTSD to prospective students, especially those unsure of what specific area of the ancient world they want to study. She advises future students to visit the Lampeter campus beforehand to acclimate to its unique environment.

“The course has allowed me to discover what I want to do with the rest of my life,” Rachael reflects. “On a personal level, meeting my partner here has been a life-changing experience.”

Rachael Bone’s journey at UWTSD exemplifies the university’s commitment to fostering academic excellence and personal growth. The UWTSD community congratulates Rachael on her achievements and wishes her the best in her future endeavours.

Further information about UWTSD’s Ancient History courses can be found here: 

Further Information

Arwel Lloyd

Principal PR and Communications Officer    
Corporate Communications and PR    
Phone: 07384 467076

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