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Doctorate in Education (Full-time) (EdD)

3 Years Full-time

The programme is ideal for anyone with experience of working a school or education-related capacity, specifically aimed at those involved in education in a wide range of occupations: teachers, leaders and managers in schools, lecturers in HE and FE institutions, voluntary and third sector officers, local authority and regional consortia staff, training organisations and so on.

The programme will equip education professionals with the skills and knowledge to interrogate research, critique theory, and conduct robust research which will impact policy and practice in their area of professional activity.

The full-time pathway is split into two related parts: 

Part 1 - a ‘taught’ component which develops students’ written, research and critical analysis skills. This part includes face-to-face lectures which take place on the university campus. 

Part 2 – the completion of a 60,000 word thesis on a chosen area of interest. It is possible to complete the thesis element as a distance learner. 

Attendance at all face-to-face sessions is mandatory, and you will be supported throughout your studies by a highly respected and experienced team of academic staff.

Course details

Start date:
Study modes:
  • Full-time
  • Part One - On campus
  • Part Two - Blended
  • English
Course length:
3 Years Full-time

Why choose this course?

High levels of academic support and challenge.
Research methods modules and opportunities to undertake small-scale research prior to your independent research project.
Small class sizes with supportive and experienced lecturers.

What you will learn

The University of Wales Trinity Saint David has a well-established reputation for excellence in professional learning for education professionals and pedagogically-focussed educational research. The EdD is ideal for anyone who is working in a school or in an education-related capacity and has the desire for a higher level of applied academic study and practice-oriented research.

The programme can be studied either full-time or part-time.

The full-time pathway requires regular attendance on campus throughout the academic year, and so cannot be studied at a distance. Attendance at face-to-face sessions is compulsory and it is important that students commit to engaging fully in university life.

The part-time pathway has been designed with working educators in mind, with online learning supported by two face-to-face, day-long learning events each semester. This pathway is popular with practising educators and current students include teachers, school leaders, college/university lecturers and other education professionals.

The element of reflection on professional practice distinguishes the professional doctorate from the award of a PhD.

The structure and format of the programme is designed so that students are involved in a variety of learning situations, including individual work, group seminars, workshops, formal tutor-led lectures, as well as online tutorials in groups and individually.

Both the full-time and part-time pathways comprise two parts, a taught Level 7 for Part 1 and a doctoral-level (Level 8) work-based research project in Part 2.

Introduction to Research Methods in Education

(30 credits)

Research Design and Management in Education

(30 credits)

Exploring Contemporary Issues in Education 2: applying critical skills, contributing to knowledge: leading improvement

(60 credits)

Exploring Contemporary Issues in Education 1: Policy Review and Critical Analysis

(30 credits)

Writing a Critical Literature Review in Education

(30 credits)

Research Thesis

(360 credits)


  • We listen to student feedback and insights from industry and from professionals to ensure that course content is high-quality and up-to-date, and that it offers the best possible preparation for your future career or study goals. 

    For this reason, there might be modifications to the content of your course over time, to keep up to date with changes in the subject area or in the sector. If a module is no longer running, we’ll make sure to keep you informed, and work with you to choose a different suitable module.

Ratings and Rankings


Our People

You will be taught and supported by a wide range of professional staff and teams here to help you get the university experience you are looking for. Our teaching staff were ranked 2nd in Wales for assessments and feedback (NSS 2023) meaning the comments you get back from your work will help you learn. Our commitment to your learning has seen our students place us as Top 10 in the UK for Lecturers and Teaching Quality. Find out more about our academic staff who teach across our courses. 


example of student bedroom

Swansea Accommodation

Swansea has a huge student population, and the variety of accommodation available will leave you feeling spoilt for choice. Various purpose-built student accommodation providers provide accommodation in Swansea, and the accommodation team can guide you through your options. It will offer ongoing support throughout your time as a UWTSD student.

Further information

  • Ideally, you will be working in an educational or education-related setting and already hold a Master’s degree; however candidates with some level 7 study and considerable leadership experience are also encouraged to apply.

    Applicants whose native language is not English or Welsh will be required to provide evidence of competence in the English or Welsh language sufficient for research study, as per the expectations set out in the Academic Quality Handbook (AQH) at the time of application. International student applications will be processed as outlined in the UWTSD Admissions Policy at the time of application.

  • A range of assessment processes apply to the taught modules including presentations, blog posts, video-based and written assignments.

    Part 2 is assessed via a 60,000 word work-based research project and viva voce examination.

  • You may be eligible for funding to help support your study. To find out about scholarships, bursaries and other funding opportunities that are available, please visit our Bursaries and Scholarships section.

  • The programme is aimed, in the main, at those already in employment.  However, it will enhance and promote further progress in students’ careers and career opportunities. The strong analytical and transferable skills embedded in the programme will be valued by a range of career routes and occupational areas within the broad educational context.

    With a specific focus on developing higher order research, analysis and evaluation skills, the Ed D will provide its students with a strong set of critical thinking, analytical and problem-solving skills. The new professional standards for the education sector suggest that such skills are increasingly in demand across this field of employment.

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