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Jack Eriksen has graduated today with a BA in Acting from the University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD)’s Carmarthen campus. He has also been awarded the University’s Performing Arts Award (English medium).

Jack Ericksen

Jack, who came to study in Carmarthen from Norfolk says:

I have always struggled academically, and never achieved the best grades in secondary school. Still, I had a passion for creativity, so I studied Performing Arts in College and wanted to pursue my studies to higher education. I travelled over 300 miles from Norfolk to start my journey with UWTSD and never looked back.

I chose this course because of its variety of modules and its vast collaboration with lecturers and industry-related connections.

“Some of the biggest highlights of the course were making a short film, having the opportunity to be creative and doing multiple stage performances, all of which developed my skills extensively.

“I have faced many challenges, both personally and academically, but I overcame all of them with my tutors, they were amazing in supporting and recommending solutions that would develop my confidence and allow me to make the best decisions”.

Lynne Seymore, BA Acting programme manager said:

“Jack has been a wonderful student throughout his time at UWTSD.  He has developed his confidence and performance skills, along with making some very meaningful industry connections through his modules and is now graduating with an excellent result.  The practical nature of the course helped him realise his full potential and along with those practical skills, came the belief in his academic skills too! I am so proud of Jack and all that he has achieved and look forward to seeing him go from strength to strength”

During his course, Jack grew personally with the help of his friends and girlfriend Anna, who he met on his course. Also, he says that the course motivated him to volunteer at the the Royal Welsh Agricultural Show. He credits the course for enabling him to develop his professional skills, as well as enabling him to learn the importance of self-employment and the financial aspects of being a freelance actor.

The BA Acting programme has been designed to provide student with the performance, technical, creative, and professional skills relevant to working in the performance and creative industries. The programme is highly practical and industry-focused, with a multi-skilled approach that includes the development of a variety of performance styles, such as scripted characterisation, improvisation and acting for the screen. There is also a strong emphasis on creative collaboration across the Performing Arts portfolio.

Further Information

Eleri Beynon

Head of Corporate Communications and PR  
Corporate Communications and PR  
Phone: 07968 249335

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