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Heledd James today graduates with ‘BA Early Years Education and Care: Practitioner Status’ after deciding to study at UWTSD after visiting the university on an open day.

Heledd James in academic dress.

She said: “I got the homely, intimate and family feel that the university has. I had the opportunity to meet some of my lecturers (they were lovely!) and this allayed any concerns I had. The university is a friendly and close-knit one that welcomes everyone into their family – it’s this sense of community that makes it a special place to study.”

Heledd enjoyed all aspects of the course as she had been able to study it through the medium of Welsh.

“I decided to study in Welsh as I have been educated in Welsh all my life and wanted to continue with this. There are a variety of benefits to studying in Welsh, I was very fortunate to have received the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol’s main scholarship as I had studied in Welsh. I think as we study our degrees in Welsh it makes us unique – we stand out when we seek jobs in the future.”

Heledd enjoyed the variety the course offered, from the different subjects to the different ways of assessing. Another aspect Heledd enjoyed from the course was the ability to challenge herself in many ways that helped her produce her best work.

She felt that the lecturers have been supportive throughout her time as a student, and the course has helped her develop as an individual. She adds:

“My experiences at university have definitely raised my confidence in general, in particular, experiences such as being an ambassador for the university and being a course representative have helped with this. Coming to university has allowed me to think critically and creatively, I’ve also had the opportunity to develop my academic skills.

“Today I am a confident and knowledgeable person in my subject, my self-confidence has strengthened – my experience at university has definitely had a positive impact on my development.”

After graduating, Heledd plans to continue working in a primary school, and in addition to this, she will return to UWTSD in September to study a part-time master’s course.

Further Information

Lowri Thomas

Principal Communications and PR Officer     
Corporate Communications and PR     
Phone: 07449 998476

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