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UWTSD’s Professor Annette Fillery-Travis has received the Editor’s Lifetime Achievement Award for Contributions to Coaching and Education in recognition of the outstanding contribution she has made in these fields.

Professor Annette Fillery-Travis smiling in front of laptop.

Professor Fillery-Travis, Academic Director of the Doctoral College Academic Experience, where she is perusing her passion for the facilitation of professional development of individuals, was honoured at the Coaching at Work Virtual Annual Conference on June 20.

The award recognised the contribution made by Professor Fillery-Travis, starting from 2006 with the publication of The Case for Coaching – a CIPD publication with Professor David Lane and Jessica Jarvis which is still in print today and is a standard text on coach education programmes. It was identified as being the first publication which gathered the evidence base for the work and its professional practice.

She has since published widely in the field and supervised over 25 doctorates and numerous master’s students in coaching and related disciplines contributing to establishing a robust body of knowledge in what is now an established development route of professionals across sectors. Professor Fillery-Travis established the Coaching Society at UWTSD and its annual conference seeking to provide development for coaches throughout Wales.

Professor Fillery-Travis said: “This is a real honour and one which I share with my Colleagues, Doctoral and Master students past and present. They have made this contribution possible.”

Professor Elena Rodriguez-Falcon FREng, Deputy Vice-Chancellor said: “We are delighted that Professor Fillery-Travis has received this prestigious award.

“Professor Fillery-Travis is a leading authority on professional and experiential learning who has made an enormous contribution to the University.”

Note to Editor 

Professor Fillery-Travis is a senior coach educator, researcher, and author. After a successful career as a research scientist where she was Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry and author of over 50 academic papers, she began a second career with the Professional Development Foundation after attaining a Masters in Professional Development. She became CEO and designed leadership programmes for public sector managers and school leaders, and manager coach training programmes across a range of sectors.

During a sabbatical at the University of Manchester in 2008, Professor Fillery-Travis was responsible for the overhaul of the Masters in Educational Leadership and in 2010 moved to Middlesex University where she was Head of the faculty for the Professional Doctorate, supervised over twenty coaching doctorates and ran the Work and Learning Research Group.

Professor Fillery-Travis has also worked as a consultant to a range of Fortune 500 organisations including Nationwide US across a range of sectors.

She is currently also the principal investigator for an EU funded pan-European project on the Modern Doctorate.

Further Information

Rebecca Davies

Executive Press and Media Relations Officer    
Corporate Communications and PR    
Phone: 07384 467071

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