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“My son was born with special needs,” Fatima Zahra, a student at University of Wales Trinity Saint David’s (UWTSD) Birmingham campus, tells us.

Fatima Zahra stands in the centre wearing a graduation gown and cap.

“He has autism. I wanted to educate myself to help him as best as I can. I want to understand my son’s future.”

Fatima chose a Bachelor’s degree in Health and Social Care, feeling that this course offered an opportunity to specialise down a route close to her heart.

“The modules have taught me a lot about healthcare, developmental theories, human behaviours, physiology, and elderly care. This led to my dissertation, which allowed me to spend a lot of time researching people with autism and old age.

“I discovered that there is a huge gap in research surrounding autism and elderly people. There are almost no UK studies about the care needs of autistic people in this age group. With more and more people aging with autism, there is so much research that needs to be done. I want to be a part of it!”

Fatima has found studying while taking care of her son to be a challenge, but a positive one that she is happy and proud to do. “Help from my lecturers has made my studies so much easier, and the University has gone the extra mile to ensure that I can balance my work and personal life better.”

Now Fatima has two offers for a Masters on the table. When asked if she’d recommend this course and Higher Education as an adult and a mother, she replies: “Oh definitely”.

We wish her the best on her future journey!

Further Information

Ella Staden

Press and Media Officer    
Corporate Communications and PR    
Phone: 07384467078

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