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The University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD) celebrates the transformative impact of its Professional Practice Framework (PPF) in empowering career advancement through experiential learning. 

A photo of Lee Winter

Within the field of professional development, the journey of Lee Winter stands as a testament to the transformative potential of the PPF. His remarkable progression within the training wing of the United Kingdom Special Forces (UKSF), from Wing Chief Instructor to Senior Enlisted Officer, clarifies the power of experiential learning in career development and personal growth. 

Sarah Loxdale, Senior Lecturer within the Professional Practice Framework team at UWTSD, commends Lee’s commitment to continuous learning, stating:

“Lee’s journey highlights the transformative power of experiential learning in shaping professional development. His dedication to advancing training methodologies and his progression within the training wing demonstrates the significance of practical experience in driving career advancement.” 

Lowri Harris, Senior Lecturer within the PPF, emphasises the role of the framework in empowering individuals like Lee to utilising their practical experiences for academic recognition and personal growth.

 “The Professional Practice Framework provides a pathway for individuals to formalise their experiential learning, enabling them to earn academic credits and advance their careers,” 

 “Lee’s journey exemplifies the value of integrating practical expertise with academic reflection to achieve professional success.” 

Lee’s story serves as a testament to the effectiveness of the PPF in bridging the gap between practical experience and academic recognition. Through the framework, individuals like Lee are empowered to leverage their real-world expertise for personal and professional advancement. 

As we celebrate Learning at Work Week, UWTSD reaffirms its commitment to providing innovative learning opportunities that empower individuals to unlock their full potential and achieve their career goals. 

For more information about the Professional Practice Framework at UWTSD, contact

Further Information

Lowri Thomas

Principal Communications and PR Officer     
Corporate Communications and PR     
Phone: 07449 998476

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