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UWTSD academic, Professor Louise Steel, has taken part in a podcast to discuss the archaeology in Gaza, including her own excavations, and the significance of the region in antiquity.

Rocks and sand in the foreground; Professor Steele leans forward to investigate part of a stony escarpment; above her, members of the team stand and wait.
Professor Louise Steel and her team on site during one of their past visits to Tell Ruqeish, Gaza.

From Neolithic Britain to the Fall of Rome, The Ancients is dedicated to discussing our distant past. Hosted by Tristan Hughes, the podcast features interviews with historians and archaeologists, each episode covering a specific theme from antiquity.

In this episode, Tristan Hughes welcomed Professor Louise Steel to discuss her team’s excavations in Gaza and what the archaeology there can tell us. Together, they looked at Gaza during the Bronze Age, connections with ancient Egypt, and assessed Gaza’s significance in the ancient world.

Following the recording, Professor Louise Steel, commented:

“I was delighted to have the opportunity to contribute to The Ancients podcast. Throughout history, the area today known as Gaza has often been a contentious place. Its historical significance is a history that spans nearly 3 millennia, and archaeological evidence shows us that it was an international hub frequented by the Egyptians, Mycenaeans, Hittites and more.

“Archaeologically Gaza is a fascinating place, and I wouldn’t be the academic I am today if I hadn’t had the opportunity to work there in the early 90s. Gaza gave me the understanding that it’s important not to just excavate, record, leave and to go away to write various academic papers on the work but to actually engage with the people and the communities whose archaeology you’re excavating.

“I’d like to thank Tristan for inviting me on the podcast to discuss an aspect of my academic work that is so close to my heart.”

Click on the following link to listen to Professor Steel’s ‘Origins of Gaza’ podcast: Origins of Gaza – The Ancients.

Further Information

Arwel Lloyd

Principal PR and Communications Officer    
Corporate Communications and PR    
Phone: 07384 467076

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