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Research by UWTSD’s Dr Rebekah Humphreys, which focuses on how it is possible to become desensitised to the use of animals for scientific research, has been featured on the popular science podcast, ResearchPod.

Research by UWTSD’s Dr Rebekah Humphreys, which focuses on how it is possible to become desensitised to the use of animals for scientific research, has been featured on the popular science podcast, ResearchPod.

In this podcast, Dr. Rebekah Humphreys explores our emotional responses and moral feelings towards animals within the context of research. She considers those who work in animal research, and the legislation surrounding animal testing.

Dr Rebekah Humphreys is a senior lecturer in philosophy at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David, and a senior fellow of the Higher Education Academy. She specialises in applied ethics, particularly animal ethics, and environmental ethics. She commented:

“I was delighted to see my research discussed and highlighted on such an influential platform.  ResearchPod connect the research community to a global audience of peers and the public, raising visibility and impact.

“In this podcast, we question whether and why our ‘norms’ of what’s acceptable differ depending on the context; how or why researchers tend to, or have to, compartmentalise in order to carry out their work; and how research language and media portrayals downplay or ignore the fact that animals are used in this way and why this might lead to problems.”

Further Information

Arwel Lloyd

Principal PR and Communications Officer    
Corporate Communications and PR    
Phone: 07384 467076

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