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“I always felt that there was a different career path out there for me somewhere,” said Amy Harris, a 35-year-old hairdresser who chose to retrain and find a new direction at University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD).

A smiling group on stage at a conference including Amy Harris.

In 2019, Amy heard that a friend had enrolled on a CertHE Skills for the Workplace course at UWTSD, and decided to give it a go. “It was through my friend’s kind words of encouragement and belief that I thought: wow, maybe I can do this as well,” she says.

Amy signed up straight away. Using the course as an entry point into academia and a steppingstone towards a complete career change, she reflects now that she “cannot believe four years have passed”.

“I was always aiming for the International Travel and Tourism Management course. I have ambitions to travel the world, learn about how different cultures operate and to develop my skills in the tourism industry,” she says.  

On her Bachelor’s degree, Amy has already ticked off this aim through course trips to Aspen Colorado and Switzerland, as well as numerous UK-based study and work opportunities.  

But in 2022, tragedy struck when her father was diagnosed with terminal cancer and passed away within just a few weeks, leaving Amy heartbroken and struggling to find motivation for her studies.

“When my dad passed away, I struggled to concentrate on university work and started to fall behind on assignments. I was granted extensions for my coursework but decided to return to classes straight away – I had worked too hard and for too long not to graduate with my fellow peers in July 2023.”

Amy was determined, explaining, “it took all my strength and willpower to push through the dark times, but I made it to the end with the support from my lecturers, and from the University’s Wellness team who taught me techniques to help with my emotions, which was a positive experience.”

“I know my dad will be proud of all my hard work, and for graduating with a 2.1 in spite of the challenges I’ve faced during the last three years of study.”

“As a result of the amazing industry links UWTSD offered me, I had not one, but two job offers to choose from for my placement. The first was from Royal Caribbean Cruises, and the second was with The Travel Corporation as Wellbeing Director.

“After weighing up the pros and cons of both positions, I decided to take the job with The Travel Corporation so that I could travel home for a few days at a time between tours to visit my dad before he died. The Royal Caribbean position was an incredible offer, but at the time I just couldn’t commit to being away for a full six months.

“In the end, the placement I chose gave me the confidence to travel solo for the first time and put the skills I learnt at UWTSD into action, which was an excellent outcome.

“Other opportunities I’ve worked on are the ITT Future You Conference and Careers Fair and at an event in the Senedd. I’ve also done things as varied as social media and marketing, explored behind the scenes in the Principality Stadium and worked as a host at a horse racing event in Carmarthenshire.”

The degree programme enabled Amy to become a student member of the Institute of Hospitality Cymru leading to invites to events and excellent networking opportunities. She is now the ABTA Student Representative for her region, as well as proudly representing the students on her course to give their views a voice within UWTSD.

“I would a thousand percent recommend the programme International Travel and Tourism Management to any student, no matter their age.

“The course has helped me see my potential; I am now applying for jobs in Aspen Colorado and am proud to be part of University of Wales Trinity Saint David Alumni.”

Further Information

Ella Staden

Press and Media Officer    
Corporate Communications and PR    
Phone: 07384467078

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