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Zoe Vaughan is a Business and Management graduate from the University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD).  She decided to enrol at UWTSD to build a solid foundation in business principles and practices to learn and use the skills and knowledge needed to excel in the business world.

Wearing an academic gown and hat, Zoe Vaughan stands smiling outside Carmarthen Business School.

One particular aspect of the Business and Management course she enjoyed was the independent project. She said:

“I was very passionate about the topic I studied regarding how much we as a country rely on imports for fresh produce and how much of that we waste and the chemicals used to increase shelf life during transportation. If we relied on our country and grew our own produce locally, we would have more control on what we consume and tackle poverty and health along the way.”

During the past three years, Zoe has seen her confidence grow with the knowledge and support received from lecturers.  Zoe said it had made her learning journey easier.

One of the highlights for Zoe last year was when she applied to be a candidate on the BBC show ‘The Apprentice.’

She said: “I’ve always watched the show since I was a teenager. I left my career as an estate agent to set up a cleaning business primarily focused on properties for sale or rent. During this period lockdown happened, and I saw there was an opportunity to apply for the show. One of the producers contacted me and asked me to go to London.”

Her business idea for the apprentice was related to sustainable growth and aimed at encouraging people to grow their own fresh produce.

Her vision about sustainable growth still remains after graduation. Over the next few months, she hopes to speak with the local council about more resources such as growing allotments at schools to enable children the education and knowledge on how they grow their own produce, to help children gain confidence at a young age which will potentially encourage change for future generations.  

UWTSD Lecturer Jessica Shore said:

“We are incredibly proud of Zoe and the journey she has been on with us throughout her degree programme.  To be able to audition for the Apprentice is a testament to her innovation and resilience.  At Carmarthen Business School our programmes are underpinned by sustainability and to see the programme shape Zoe’s Business plans is wonderful.  We have no doubt with Zoe’s drive, determination and passion for sustainable food solutions she will achieve her goals.”

Further Information

Lowri Thomas

Principal Communications and PR Officer     
Corporate Communications and PR     
Phone: 07449 998476

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