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Kirsty Thomas is a BA Business and Management graduate from The University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD) in Carmarthen. She decided to come and study at UWTSD as she had heard great feedback from previous students, and as a busy single mother, the location was ideal for her.

A group of students sitting down on bean bags listening to a lecture in the immersive room

The BA Business and Management course allowed Kirsty to gain knowledge and skills regarding sustainability and innovation ideas for the future. She said:

“The course has helped me prepare for a future career in business and management and has allowed me to be creative and to think differently in regards to building a sustainable future and to think about our actions and consequences. There are other opportunities throughout the course that can allow you to gain more skills and knowledge.”

Kirsty enjoyed everything about the course, however, her favourite aspect was creating innovative business plans for the future. Another highlight for Kirsty was her independent project, where she researched the plastic waste crisis and the effect it has on the environment and on wildlife. She added:

“I was able to carry out my own qualitative research which I found interesting and learnt a lot from. I focused on the beauty industry as they are the number one contributor to the plastic waste crisis we face today. I have also learnt the challenges involved in becoming an ethical, sustainable and globally responsible business.”

For Kirsty, being a single mother and studying an undergraduate course full-time whilst also working part-time was challenging. However, Kirsty’s ability to manage her time and be organised helped her push through the course.

“I believe my daughters are my motivation and achieving my qualifications is something I did for us as a family.”

She described Carmarthen Business School as a special place due to the support that she had from her lecturers.

“Nothing was ever too much for them. They’ve allowed me to gain confidence throughout the three years I’ve studied there and had the opportunity to be the class representative for two years running. Studying Business in Carmarthen has allowed me to achieve my goals.

“The course has most definitely developed me as an individual. I came into the course very nervous and with no confidence, after being voted class representative for two years running and learning what I have for the last 3 years of my study, I wouldn’t be where I am today working full time in my dream career.”

After Kirsty graduated, she secured a job as an HR apprentice in recruitment with Dyfed Powys Police.

“The course helped me build my confidence in believing I could achieve my passion and I was able to gain the knowledge and skills I needed throughout my course. The skills I’ve learnt have helped me tremendously in my new career and I hope to continue to learn and gain more skills through my current career.

“UWTSD held a careers fair where I was able to meet the recruitment team for Dyfed Powys Police, I was able to speak to them in person which pushed me to take the opportunity I’ve always wished for.”

UWTSD lecturer Jessica Shore said:

“Kirsty has been on the most incredible journey of self-discovery. Her confidence alongside her knowledge and experience has gone from strength to strength and we are very pleased to have been a part of Kirsty’s story. Kirsty was a very valued part of a great year group, and we are delighted to see her achieve her dreams and leave University not only with a degree but also a fantastic job and a very bright future for herself and her family.  As Kirsty mentions studying alongside being a parent or having a job is achievable and rewarding.”

Kirsty would encourage others to follow in her footsteps:

“Take the chance, you will not regret it. There’s plenty of support from lectures and you meet amazing people along the way. Think positive and the hard work is worth it in the end. If I can do it anyone can.”

Further Information

Lowri Thomas

Principal Communications and PR Officer   
Corporate Communications and PR    
Phone: 07449 998476

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