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A new partnership has been created between the University of Wales Trinity Saint David’s Academy of Sport and Llanelli Town AFC to provide a pathway for students to combine their academic and football aspirations through Higher Education and semi-professional football.

Representatives of the University and football club hold up branded t-shirts.

Both organisations have already collaborated on key academic and sporting ventures including student placements at their academy and this partnership further strengthens their relationship.

The learner is central to the UWTSD Group, and their commitment to providing an excellent learning experience is at the heart of their activities.  Both institutions aim to support students involved in high-performance football while they study.

This partnership will provide students with access to professional-level football coaching and strength and conditioning training, as well as advice on nutrition, diet, and lifestyle.

The students will have a range of academic options as well as playing in the British Universities and Colleges Sport (BUCS) Football League / Cup structure.

Supporting them alongside this will be Llanelli Town AFC who have pathways to their teams through their Semi-Professional 1st team that competes in FAW JD Cymru South League and their Academy which was recently awarded a FAW category B status where they had to demonstrate that they deliver against quality assured criteria in both business and sporting facets and uphold competitive integrity throughout in order to be reclassified into one of three Categories. Llanelli was one of the 14 clubs in Wales that were deemed to offer a high-quality developmental environment and full Academy pathway.

Llanelli Town AFC already has a partnership in place with the UWTSD group with Coleg Sir Gâr for their 16-18 year old Academy players, and this partnership now offers them a typical five year education pathway through both FE and HE sectors.

Lee Tregoning, head of the UWTSD Academy of Sport said:

“We are constantly looking to enhance the linkages between high-performance sport and higher education to create unique pathways such as this for academic excellence and high-performance in football that will benefit our learners.

“We welcome the opportunities this creates for greater alignment between both organisations. We aim to develop and enhance our partnership and to maximise further, higher education and Semi-professional football opportunities for learners in both academia and football.”

“The services that both the UWTSD group and Llanelli Town AFC provide will give a student a pathway where they can train and play at the highest level in college, university sport and semi-professional football while also achieving their academic goals.”

Wayne Stephens, Llanelli Town AFC Chairman said:

“We as a club are delighted to be working with UWTSD, in a partnership that will create many pathways, on and off the field for young adults in our communities.

“For me personally, I have been trying for many years to have an educational pathway in place, which will provide our Academy players the opportunity to study locally but also compete at a high level of football, both with our academy and the university level.

“I and the club wish to thank Lee, his team and all at the university for this opportunity. We look forward to working closely with the UWTSD, which will be beneficial to everyone within our football club.”

Two men in suits hold a football between them.

Further Information

Lowri Thomas

Principal Communications and PR Officer     
Corporate Communications and PR     
Phone: 07449 998476

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