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The University of Wales Trinity Saint David’s Wales Academy for Professional Practice and Applied Research (WAPPAR) has held its third one-day Conference on Coaching and Mentoring in the Workplace today.

WAPPAR conference participants pose in front of staircase in IQ building.

The conference, held at UWTSD’s Swansea IQ Building focused on: Coaching and Mentoring in a Climate of Change, and provided an opportunity to hear from expert practitioners and a chance to participate in engaging and enlightening workshops.

As part of the University of Wales Trinity Saint David, the Academy has a strong background in facilitating the development of coaches and mentors for the workplace and is delighted to extend an invitation to practitioners, leaders as coaches/mentors, Masters/Doctoral researchers, and our alumni, to share best practice and research in the field.

UWTSD’S Deputy Vice Chancellor, Professor Elena Rodriguez Falcon opened the conference and outline the importance of Coaching and Mentoring in Wales.

She said: “The University is delighted to be hosting this conference which will bring together a community of expert practitioners and academics dedicated to the development of coaching and mentoring to share best practice and research to help future-proof talent and enhance leadership skills.

“With over 2,000 graduates from its programmes, the Academy has an enviable track record of supporting organisations and their people in Wales and further afield, with innovative, flexible and bespoke training, providing solutions specific to their needs.”

During the conference, guests heard from various keynote speakers, including UWTSD’s Blue Light Academy Professor of Practice, Prof Kim-Ann Williamson, Mindset Transformation Coach and Leadership Consultant Joy Ogeh-Hutfield, and UWTSD Senior Lecturer Julie Crossman and Lecturer and Commercial Manager Gary Metcalfe.

The conference also hosted a networking opportunity for the Academy’s Coaching Society, a cross-Wales hub for coaching and mentoring best practice.

During the afternoon, various workshops was be held on various aspects of Coaching and Mentoring, such as Mentoring in Education, Team Coaching and Action Learning.

Students also gave testimonials and shared their experience on how the Coaching and Mentoring course has benefited them too.

Julie Crossman, Senior Lecturer and Programme Manager of Coaching and Mentoring said:

“I am delighted to share this wonderful news as we have taken a three-year hiatus since the start of the pandemic. We are so excited at the prospect of seeing members of the coaching community again and catching up with friends, both old and new.

“Many of us have experienced significant change since we hosted our last conference in 2019 and the theme of this year’s conference respects and reflects this. We’ve had some truly inspirational keynote speakers sharing their experience as coaches and mentors, coupled with a range of engaging and stimulating masterclass sessions.”

WAPPAR conference participants sat at circular tables.

Further Information

Lowri Thomas

Principal Communications and PR Officer   
Corporate Communications and PR    
Phone: 07449 998476

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