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A BA Youth Work and Social Education student from the University of Wales Trinity Saint David has been chosen to represent young people in a Welsh Government Local Democracy meeting in Cardiff.

Tilley Rees, wearing bright pink leggings and a blue blazer, leans against a slate wall with white lettering reading Senedd Cymru – Welsh Parliament.

Tilley Rees from Carmarthen was chosen to represent young people as a member on a Democratic Health Task and Finish group for Community and Town Councils. The group was set up by the Minister for Finance and Local Government, Rebecca Evans MS in order to find out why people weren’t standing and voting in local democracy elections. She received this opportunity after she took part in an interview through her role as a volunteer with Children in Wales.

Tilley sees this as a fantastic opportunity to represent the young people of Wales. She said:

“ I find it really important that the older generation understand the importance of young people, and how they are our future, and although we say it, we don’t invest enough in them. So this group is making sure that people have a genuine choice as to who represents and serves them, ensure that people feel a part of the level of basic democracy, and that’s it affecting change on a local level. I think they didn’t realise how much of a massive part of that comes with young people.”

“I truly want to be apart of making positive change happen, to empower young people to reach and achieve their truest potential. I have been studying Youth Work and Social Education BA in UWTSD, and since doing the degree it’s only pushed me to want to help make strategic change happen to improve the lives of young people.”

During the meeting, Tilley and fellow delegates were busy making plans, identifying themes and evidence that the group will be looking at, and also finding ways to improve the awareness and participation in community and town elections. They have 9 months to write a report that will be presented to the Government.

Tilley said:

“I feel I have a really important role in highlighting the importance of young people being taught democracy on a local level to provide them opportunities to understand why it’s important for young people to have their say, and to stand for elections.

“I have volunteered for children’s rights on a local , regional and National level since I was 14 years old, and was the former chair person for the Carmarthenshire Youth Council, giving me my leadership skills and ability to publicly voice opinions on behalf of all young people in Carmarthenshire.

“I feel that drastic change needs to happen within communities and councils to preserve feeling of community, where young people are nurtured and happy.

“I believe with all my experience and my future hopes to be involved in policy and legislative processes, I will be able to help Wales save and raise our young people. I feel it’s my duty as a young person to represent all young people holistically across Wales.”

Youth Work and Social Education Lecturer, Angharad Lewis said:

“The Youth Work team was very pleased to hear that Tilley has been chosen to represent young people on this Welsh Government task and finish group. As a Youth Work student, and as well as through her wide experiences of young people’s participation, Tilley understands how important it is that young people have their voices heard, and we are pleased that Tilley can continue to advocate for young people through this role”.

Rebecca Evans, Welsh Government Minister for Finance and Local Government, said:

“We set up this group to improve engagement between communities and their community councils, and to increase the number and the diversity of candidates who put themselves forward to represent their local community. Ensuring young people have their voices heard is a crucial part of that and I know Tilley will make a valuable contribution as we continue to open up our democracy further.”

Further Information

Lowri Thomas

Principal Communications and PR Officer     
Corporate Communications and PR     
Phone: 07449 998476

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