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Want to become a Doctoral College Supervisor?

Alongside our extensive student research development activities, the Doctoral College also works with research degree supervisors to enhance research students’ experience of their studies and to build supervisory capacity and skills across the university. As research and research degrees have become increasingly interdisciplinary, supervisor support and development has become increasingly important. We work with Institutes and programmes to provide both broad-based and more locally specific training and development activities.

Our supervisor development programme is designed to build a highly skilled community of practice. Events include in person and on-line activities, synchronous and asynchronous sessions covering core supervisory skills, advanced CPD activities, and supervisor driven events, drawing on both skills and capacity within the UWTSD supervisory network and beyond the community. There is additional support available for new supervisors, including mentoring into the role.

Part of the capacity building includes building a broad group of research degree supervisors, including a group of staff employed only as supervisors, many of whom work at other UK universities and have extensive supervisory experience. 

Get Involved

For more information on becoming a research degree supervisor at UWTSD, please contact the Doctoral College team.