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Benedict Gibson, a mature student at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD), has been honoured with the prestigious Business and Management prize for 2024. Benedict will be celebrating this achievement at today’s (8 July) graduation ceremony held at the Carmarthen campus.

Headshot of Benedict Gibson in his graduation gown on Carmarthen campus

After finding himself stuck in a career he’s fallen into and unable to regain a foothold in his chosen field, Benedict made the bold decision to retrain and pursue further education. The Carmarthen campus of UWTSD, with its accessible location and historic appeal, offered the perfect opportunity for him to embark on this new journey.

“The course ticked all the boxes for me,” Benedict explains. “It was focused enough to be relevant in the business field but broad enough to cross various professions. The sustainability thread running throughout the course was particularly appealing and ultimately sealed the deal for me.”

Benedict’s goal was to gain a relevant qualification that would enable his re-entry into a dynamic business environment. His natural competitiveness and drive for self-betterment motivated him to excel in his studies, striving to no longer be the only member of his family without a degree.

Reflecting on his experience, Benedict praises the course’s dynamic and vibrant nature, the passion and skill of the tutors, and the strong sense of community at UWTSD. “The content was relevant, interesting, and sometimes surprising, giving insights and perspectives I hadn’t previously considered. I particularly enjoyed learning about motivation theories, communication, and understanding perspectives. The depth of knowledge from tutors in specialist areas, such as digital business, has proven invaluable.”

Benedict proactively sought summer employment to apply the theories he learned and rebuild his relevant employment history. This initiative paid off, as he successfully transitioned back into the business world even before completing his degree.

Benedict faced additional challenges during his final year, managing to submit his final four assignments and dissertation a month early due to the birth of his daughter and the impending wedding arrangements. “Despite these challenges, through focused time management skills taught in the course, I endeavoured and succeeded in delivering work worthy of a first-class degree.”

This course has already begun to open doors for Benedict, providing vital credentials during the employment process. He has restarted his career in business and is now on a promising path to management. Benedict wholeheartedly recommends the course to anyone in a similar position.

Benedict Gibson’s journey and achievements stand as a testament to the opportunities and transformative impact that UWTSD offers its students, making the Business and Management prize a well-deserved honour for this dedicated and resilient individual.

Please click below to find out more about UWTSD’s Business and Management programmes: UWTSD Business and Management Programmes

Further Information

Arwel Lloyd

Principal PR and Communications Officer    
Corporate Communications and PR    
Phone: 07384 467076

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