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Jon Langstone

Jon's UWTSD Experience

John Langstone in a hard hat and respirator face mask; standing in front of scaffolding, he holds up a piece of stone tracery with both hands.

Name: Jon Langstone 

Course: BSc(Hons) Construction Management

Previous Studies: Engineering and Stonemasonry 

Hometown: Swansea

Jon's BSc Construction Management Experience

Jon Langstone standing with one hand in his pocket and the other resting on the corner of a metre-high coat of arms in newly carved stone.

What was your favourite thing about Swansea campus?

The campus was in an ideal location for me, by the sea front, easily accessible to bike routes that stretch all the way to Mumbles from SA1. Also, the facilities were always kept clean, and the library.

Why did you choose UWTSD?

I chose UWTSD because I read that they had small classes, the staff had experience in the field that I was studying to pursue a career in (Construction), and the chances of securing a graduate role after graduating were quite high. I found all of this to be correct.

What did you enjoy outside your studies?

As a single parent, my spare time outside my studies were mainly taken up by frequent dog walks, lots of cooking, and plenty of reading. 

What are you doing now, how did you get to where you are and how has your course helped you in your career?

I secured a graduate position at a multifaceted engineering and project management construction consultancy company, based in Cardiff. I am thoroughly enjoying my new role as a graduate project manager at Burroughs. I am responsible for actively supporting the project management team and subsequent engineering teams in successfully delivering large and complex projects across the UK and sometimes beyond – which is exactly what I was hoping to do, prior to graduating.

The course that I undertook at UWTSD gave me the foundational skills that I needed to help me focus on learning the detailed information needed to excel in my role. Even a year on, the lecturers who I developed a relationship with are still able to answer the odd query that I have.

Specifically, I found that the staff at UWTSD are very good at preparing undergraduates to go out into their chosen industries with confidence and excitement. 

What was your favourite thing about your course?

I personally enjoyed how personal the course was overall. The small class sizes allowed me to question my lecturers more easily, which then helped me learn a lot more information, as opposed to a more individual-based learning structure.  

Jon Langstone wearing an academic gown, golden hood, and mortarboard hat.

Would you recommend UWTSD and why?

I would highly recommend UWTSD, especially to anyone thinking about getting involved in the construction industry. Each lecturer I had took a different approach to teaching and a set of different skills, which allowed me to preview different types of professional routes through the construction industry, before jumping in after graduation.