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Our Facilities

Our Facilities

As an architecture student, you will find our facilities to be more than just spaces for learning—they are dynamic hubs designed to inspire and nurture your passion for design.    

Our state-of-the-art studios provide ample space for hands-on experimentation and collaborative projects, while our dedicated fabrication workshops offer access to cutting-edge tools and technologies for bringing your visions to life. With a rich array of resources, from 3D digital modelling software to traditional drafting tools, you will have the support you need to explore diverse design approaches and push the boundaries of architectural expression. Come join our vibrant community of aspiring architects and embark on a journey of exploration, creation, and transformation within our exceptional facilities at the School of Architecture  

Cluster Facilities

Our specialist Architecture facilities include: 

Our architecture facilities include two dedicated studios equipped with traditional drawing tools and surveying equipment, as well as mobile drawing facilities featuring CAD computer workstations. We offer several dedicated large format plotters and a light room for model photography. 

Both studios have model storage facilities and student lockers, along with pin-up spaces in the studio and gallery areas in IQ. 

A tutor looks through an A2-size portfolio of designs as three students looking on with interest.
A student sits working in front of dual monitors; one monitor shows Adobe Photoshop while the other shows a building plan.
An architecture studio with 3D model buildings spread across the desks; they include a tower build in multiple layers from white card.

CWIC Construction Wales Innovation Centre

Architecture students also have access to the workshops in the CWIC Construction Wales Innovation Centre for large format model making, laser cutting, a CNC machine and 3D printers. Among other technical resources, access also includes access to high-performance drones and thermographic technology.   

A World Skills UK student wearing a headset and holding a controller; two quadcopter drones are displayed on a cabinet behind him.
A meeting room with a glass wall on one side; the room is furnished with a large screen TV, a table and chairs.
A lecturer gestures towards a screen displaying a 3D building and the word Residential; a student wearing a VR headset listens.

Campus Life (add relevant campus)

four students on beach playing in shallow water

Discover Swansea Campus

Explore the impressive facilities at our Swansea campuses, offering a dynamic student experience. The campuses feature advanced laboratories, specialised art and design workshops, and innovative teaching areas. Comprehensive libraries are stocked with extensive digital and physical collections. Students benefit from dedicated areas for art, engineering, construction, and Psychology labs. Immersive rooms, available for all subjects including Policing, provide unique learning experiences. Additionally, vibrant social spaces, cafes, and an active Students’ Union hub foster a lively community atmosphere for both academic and personal development.