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Melanie Rowland, a dedicated advocate for inclusive education, proudly graduates with a Master of Arts in Equity and Diversity in Society from the University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD). This achievement marks a significant milestone in Melanie’s ongoing commitment to fostering inclusivity and support within educational environments.

A photo of Melanie Rowland in her cap and gown

After completing a Foundation Degree and a Bachelor of Arts in Inclusive Education through UWTSD’s community programme in Monkton, Pembrokeshire, Melanie was inspired to further her studies.  She said: 

“Achieving a  First Class Honours in my BA and being drawn to the comprehensive course breakdown of the MA, I felt a strong desire to continue my academic journey with UWTSD.” 

Melanie has been successful in winning the Advocacy, Sociology, Equity and Diversity Prize at this year’s graduation ceremony.

For Melanie, UWTSD was the obvious choice for her postgraduate studies. She adds: 

“The way the BA was delivered demonstrated to me just how flexible and proactive the team were to ensure the courses were really accessible and inclusive,” 

She also praised the university’s family-focused atmosphere, which made her feel at home and supported throughout her academic journey.

Melanie claims that the MA in Equity and Diversity in Society course has had a profound impact on her career. In the short term, it has validated her practice, boosted her confidence and inspired her to explore new ways to support young people. Looking to the future, Melanie plans to share her knowledge with colleagues and other professionals, and she is also developing a career in therapeutic story writing – a path she attributes to the experience, confidence, and knowledge gained from her studies.

Melanie’s journey was not without its challenges. After completing her first year, her son was involved in a serious car accident, leading to a period of immense difficulty for her family. This personal trauma required her to take time away from both work and studies. Despite these challenges, the support from UWTSD staff and the flexibility of the course allowed her to continue and complete her dissertation on the Trauma Informed Approach in education following the Covid pandemic.

Reflecting on the course, Melanie described it as:

“really well developed and incredibly well delivered.”

The combination of taught modules and independent studies, alongside the freedom to choose an area relevant to her work, greatly appealed to her. She expressed deep appreciation for the knowledgeable, inclusive, and proactive lecturers, as well as the invaluable support from student services.

Currently working in a school for children with additional learning needs, Melanie plans to continue her work while also expanding her delivery of therapeutic stories to support young people, their parents, and educators. Her enhanced skills in time management, research, and a deeper understanding of her role in the world are attributes she brings to her professional and personal life.

Associate Professor Caroline Lohmann – Hancock, UWTSD’s Programme Manager: MA Equity and Diversity in Society said:

“Melanie has some really challenging issues to face during her studies. However, she has been determined to complete her studies, despite these challenges , as she wishes to improve the lives of children through her Dissertation:

How Does it Heal?

Isolation and Re-engaging in Education the Role of Trauma Related Practice in a Post-Pandemic Britain

“I congratulate Melaine on her well deserved award.”

Melanie highly recommends UWTSD for its person-focused, supportive, and compassionate approach. She adds:

 “It is this supportive environment that convinced me to continue my studies here,” 

For more information about the MA in Equity and Diversity in Society please visit: Equity and Diversity in Society | University of Wales Trinity Saint David (

Further Information

Lowri Thomas

Principal Communications and PR Officer     
Corporate Communications and PR     
Phone: 07449 998476

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