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Dr Jenny Day BA, MA, PhD

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Research Fellow
Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies (CAWCS)

Tel: 01970 636543 

Role in the University

Jenny Day has been a research fellow at the Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies since 2015 and is currently working on the ‘Poetry of Merlin’ project.

She teaches on the modules ‘An Introduction to Celtic Literatures’ (HPCS4005) and ‘Welsh Praise Poetry’ (HPCS5018), and is a supervisor for postgraduate students.


As a member of the project team of the AHRC-funded ‘Poetry of Merlin’ project, Jenny has been editing and studying the little-known later corpus of poems attributed to Merlin in manuscripts dating from the fifteenth century to c.1800.

Previously she worked on the ‘The Sacred Landscapes of Medieval Monasteries’ project (also AHRC-funded), editing poetry addressed by the poet and polymath Gutun Owain to two fifteenth-century abbots of Valle Crucis, and investigating what these and other poetic sources reveal about this important Cistercian abbey.

Jenny was part of the editorial team at Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru from 2013 i 2022, and has worked on several other research projects at the Centre. She edited and translated Lives of St Martin of Tours, St David and St Mary of Egypt for the ‘Cult of the Saints in Wales’ project (AHRC, 2015–17), and for the ‘Flood and Flow’ project (Leverhulme, 2017–18) she collected and analysed water-related place-names from the Book of Llandaf, using these and literary sources to explore the ways in which water resources were exploited and perceived in medieval Wales. For the ‘Poetry of Guto’r Glyn’ project (AHRC, 2008–2012) she helped develop both the website and ‘Guto’s Wales’. She has an ongoing research interest in medieval Welsh weapons and warfare, stemming from her doctoral studies at Aberystwyth University on weapons in Welsh poetry (‘Arfau yn yr Hengerdd a Cherddi Beirdd y Tywysogion’).

Academic Interests

  • ‘An Introduction to Celtic Literatures’ (HPCS4005)
  • ‘Welsh Praise Poetry’ (HPCS5018)
  • Postgraduate Supervision

Research Interests

Jenny has an ongoing research interest in medieval Welsh poetry and in what it can reveal as a source for various aspects of life in the Middle Ages. She has published a variety of articles on the depiction of weapons and armour in poems ranging in date from the ‘Gododdin’ to the works of the late-medieval cywyddwyr, and has recently been working on the depiction of monastic life and the monastic estate in the poems of Gutun Owain and his contemporaries.

She has extensive experience of editing and translating medieval prose and poetry, and a particular interest in the way texts change during transmission though various processes of misinterpretation, reinterpretation and adaptation. For the ‘Cult of Saints in Wales’ project she studied the textual transmission of saints’ Lives and their adaptation for different audiences, and she is currently investigating the complex inter-relationships and highly changeable content of later prophetic poems for the ‘Poetry of Merlin’ project.


  • Editing and interpreting Welsh poetry and prose of the medieval and early modern periods
  • Poets and scribes in medieval and early modern Wales
  • Scholarship and monasticism in medieval Wales
  • Welsh saints’ cults and hagiography
  • Medieval warfare and weapons
