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Get Involved

If you’re a student who is interested in getting involved with sustainability projects, or maybe you just want to make the world a little greener, have a look at all the opportunities that you can get stuck into below!

This really is the start of the conversation. If you want to get involved as a student or staff champion please email and keep an eye on this page where there will be regular updates around volunteering and how you can help us to make the University and the communities that we serve more sustainable. Together, we can make a difference.

INSPIRE Internships

For Undergraduate students that study across the Swansea, Carmarthen and Lampeter Campus, the INSPIRE Internships are there for students to work with the Students’ Union, the University in partnership on relevant projects to promote sustainable living. These are paid internships designed to work around your studies whilst supporting your learning and passion for sustainability.

Key projects previously have included Go Green Week, Small Plant, research into what sustainability means to students, allotments on campus and more! You’re fully supported by the Students’ Union and the University, with guidance from senior university staff including the Provosts for the Swansea, Lampeter and Carmarthen campuses.

You can find out more about what the INSPIRE Interns have been up by checking out the links below:

Recruitment for the INSPIRE Interns takes place every year, keep an eye out on the Students’ Union website for more details! If you would like to know more, please email

  • Allotments are featured outside the student accommodation at our Lampeter Campus which offers students the opportunity to grow herbs and vegetables from seed whilst actively reducing food miles and carbon footprint.

  • UWTSD students’ Union has a whole host of opportunities for you to get involved with from societies to volunteering!

  • There are Sustainability Officer Positions that you can be elected into (Swansea, Lampeter and Carmarthen), where you have a seat on Campus Councils and have the opportunity to run campaigns and work with the Students’ Union and University to ensure sustainable practice is at the forefront of what we all do!

    Elections happen during Spring and Autumn, you can find out more here or email to find out more.

  • UWTSD offers the opportunity for staff across all departments to drive improvements in sustainability and recycling site wide. Acting as their departments environmental conscience and championing sustainable practices on campus.

  • There are sustainability societies that you can join, but if you want to start one up about a specific area, or there isn’t one for your campus you can make your own society to get other students involved! Check out more about societies here on the Students’ Union website or get in touch with your Student Opportunities Coordinator for your Campus.

  • Have you got an idea about how to make your student experience more sustainable? Why not submit a Big Idea?!

    Any student can submit an idea, which will then go through to Campus Council and Union Council to be voted on as a policy! This can be to mandate your Elected Officers to lobby for change, or to run a campaign! If you have any questions about Big Ideas, you can check the website here or email the Student Voice Team at

  • Do you want your dissertation to make a difference? NUS’ Dissertations for Good gives you the opportunity to complete a dissertation project in collaboration with a non-academic organisation, meaning your project could contribute to a cutting edge field of research!

    Find out more and register at the NUS For Good website.

  • UWTSD have achieved Bee Friendly status which is part of pioneering co-ordinated national scheme to make Wales more pollinator-friendly. On our campus we have developed wildflower meadows, timber and sand habitat piles as well as reducing our pesticide usage by choosing hand weeding and strimming. 

    Get involved with volunteer flower planting, taking a stroll through one of our campuses ‘Wellbeing Walks’ to see our pollinator habitats. Or try out gardening at one of the onsite allotments.

  • Did you know that hedgehogs have shown a major decline in population since the 1950s with an overall population decline of 97%? Since 2000 their population has declined by 50% in rural areas and 30% in urban areas. This highlights the importance of implementing plans to protect habitat and promote safe spaces for the hedgehogs in our rural and urban campuses.

    The University of Wales Trinity Saint David enrolled in the Hedgehog Friendly Campus campaign in 2022 to help preserve the future of the UK’s most loved ground mammal. Over the last year we have:

    • carried out hedgehog surveys which found hedgehogs on both the Lampeter and Carmarthen campuses
    • performed litter picks
    • organised hedgehog-safe training for the grounds team
    • surveyed our hedgerow health
    • installed hedgehog houses to provide safe hibernation and breeding sites.

    The year 2022 was a historic one for hedgehogs as populations have stabilised for the first time in decades. This highlights how small-scale local actions taking place across the UK as part of the Hedgehog Friendly Campus Campaign and the British Hedgehog Preservation Society are creating real world change at a national level. If you would like to take part in the Hedgehog Friendly Campus Campaign at any of our campuses please email

Give Back

Volunteering with a local organisation is a great opportunity to give something back to your community, enhance your local community, meet like-minded people and gain valuable experience that looks great on your CV!

Below are some links to get you started, but there are a wealth of opportunities out there for you to get involved with so have a look!






Cardiff Conservation Volunteers Join Cardiff Conservation Volunteers as they go out and about making a positive difference to the countryside!
Skills and Volunteering Cymru For all volunteering projects that cover South Wales, including sustainable and environmental opportunities in Cardiff.
Wales Biodiversity Directory On this site you can find out about the work of the Wales Biodiversity Partnership including: national and local actions and objectives; biodiversity-related news and events; and how you can help biodiversity.
Keep Wales Tidy  Keep Wales Tidy work across Wales to protect our environment. They provide volunteering opportunities that give you the chance to take action and make a positive difference in your community.
Carmarthenshire Association of Voluntary Services  CAVS support voluntary work throughout Carmarthenshire and have a list of current opportunities on their website.
Swansea Council for Voluntary Service  Take a look at SCVS’ website for local volunteering opportunities in Swansea.
Ceredigion Association of Voluntary Organisations  You can find local volunteering opportunities in Ceredigion on CAVO’s website
Volunteering Wales  Volunteering Wales is a directory of volunteering opportunities all over Wales. 




Eco Birmingham Eco Birmingham looks at sustainability holistically and can provide exciting volunteering opportunities for students to grow and develop in a range of areas. Get in touch with them to find out more!
Birmingham Voluntary Service Council A place for all voluntary opportunities in Birmingham
The Conservation Volunteers Volunteer to support London’s green spaces all across the city. From building skills and meeting new people, TCV has a wealth of opportunities.
Thames 21 Thames 21 looks to improve the rivers and canals of London by working with communities. If you have some time to support them and their mission to clean the waterways, get in touch!