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Dr Jack Hunter BA (Anrh), PhD

Llun a Chyflwyniad

Silwét pen ac ysgwyddau dyn


Yr Athrofa Addysg a Dyniaethau


Rôl yn y Brifysgol

Rwy’n diwtor arweiniol ar y modiwl MA mewn Ecoleg ac Ysbrydolrwydd. Yn ogystal, rwy’n diwtor ar y modiwl MA mewn Seryddiaeth Ddiwylliannol ac Astroleg, gan addysgu modiwlau ar Ddaearyddiaeth Sanctaidd ac Ymchwilio i Gosmolegau Cyfoes.


Mae Dr Jack Hunter yn anthropolegydd sy’n archwilio ffiniau ymwybyddiaeth, crefydd, ecoleg a’r goruwchnaturiol. Mae’n byw ym mryniau Canolbarth Cymru gyda’i deulu.

Aelod O

  • Canolfan Ymchwil Profiad Crefyddol Alister Hardy, Cymrawd Ymchwil Anrhydeddus
  • Cymdeithas Paraseicolegol, Aelod Proffesiynol.
  • Sefydliad Paraseicoleg, Cymrawd Ymchwil.

Diddordebau Academaidd

  • Anthropoleg Crefydd
  • Y Goruwchnaturiol
  • Hunanethnograffeg
  • Dyniaethau Ecolegol
  • Profiad Anarferol
  • Llên Gwerin
  • Paraseicoleg
  • Astudiaethau Crefyddol
  • Ymchwil Ansoddol

Meysydd Ymchwil

Mae fy niddordebau ymchwil yn canolbwyntio’n fras ar anthropoleg crefydd a’r goruwchnaturiol, a sut maent yn croestorri ag ysbrydolrwydd, ecoleg a pharaseicoleg. Yn ogystal, mae gennyf ddiddordeb mawr mewn addysgu, yn enwedig rôl dysgu awyr agored fel cyfrwng i feithrin synnwyr o gysylltiad â byd natur.


Anthropoleg crefydd a’r goruwchnaturiol, paraseicoleg, addysg grefyddol, ysbrydolrwydd ac ecoleg.

Gweithgareddau Menter, Masnachol ac Ymgynghori

  • 2019 – Cymrodoriaeth Frances P. Bolton, Sefydliad Paraseicoleg.
  • 2017/18 - Gwobr am Wasanaethau i Arholi am dair blynedd yn olynol, Cydgyngor Cymwysterau.
  • 2015 – Ysgoloriaeth Read-Tuckwell, Prifysgol Bryste
  • 2015 - Gwobr Cymhelliant Ysgolheigaidd, Sefydliad Paraseicoleg
  • 2011 – Grant Ymchwil, Cymdeithas ar gyfer Ymchwil Seicol
  • 2011 – Gwobr Cyfraniad Myfyriwr Eithriadol Gertrude Schmeider, Cymdeithas Paraseicolegol.
  • 2010 – Ysgoloriaeth Eileen J. Garrett, Sefydliad Paraseicoleg.



  • (2023). Folklore, People and Place: International Perspectives on Tourism in Storied Places (cyd-olygwyd â Dr Rachael Ironside) Abingdon: Routledge (I ddod)
  • (2022). Deep Weird: The Varieties of High Strangeness Experience. Milton Keynes: August Night Press (I ddod).
  • (2021). Mattering the Invisible: Technologies, Bodies and the Realm of the Spectral (cyd-olygwyd â Dr Diana Espirito Santo). Rhydychen: Berghan.
  • (2021). Manifesting Spirits: An Anthropological Study of Mediumship and the Paranormal. Llundain: Aeon Books.
  • (2020). Spirits, Gods and Magic: An Introduction to the Anthropology of the Supernatural. Milton Keynes: August Night Press.
  • (2019). Greening the Paranormal: Exploring the Ecology of Extraordinary Experience. Milton Keynes: August Night Press.
  • (2018). Engaging the Anomalous: Collected Essays on Anthropology, the Paranormal, Mediumship and Extraordinary Experience. Milton Keynes: August Night Press.
  • (2016). Damned Facts: Fortean Essays on Religion, Folklore and the Paranormal. Paphos: Aporetic Press.
  • (2014). Talking With the Spirits: Ethnographies from Between the Worlds. Brisbane: Daily Grail.
  • (2014). Strange Dimensions: A Paranthropology Anthology. Llanrhaeadr-ym-Mochnant: Psychoid Books.
  • (2012). Paranthropology: Anthropological Approaches to the Paranormal. Bryste: Paranthropology.

Penodau mewn Llyfrau

  • (2022). “Through a Crystal Darkly: Cultural, Experiential and Ontological Reflections on Faery.” Yn J. Cutchin (gol.) Fairy Films: Wee Folk on the Big Screen. Milton Keynes: August Night Press (I ddod).
  • (2022). “Gardens and Gnomes: Statues, Extraordinary Experiences and Subtle Ecologies” yn S. Young (gol.). The Wollaton Gnomes:  A Nottingham Fairy Mystery. Pwca Press.
  • (2020). “Harmony and Ecology” yn Nicholas Campion (gol.). The Harmony Debates. Llanbedr Pont Steffan: Sophia Centre Press, 2020.
  • “Numinous Dimensions: Exploring Otto’s Concept of the Numinous in Stoker, Machen and Lovecraft” yn B. Grafius a J.W. Morehead (goln.) Theology and Horror.
  • “Mediumship and the Experiential Self” yn D. Menintel, V. Béguet a J.G. Goulet (goln.) Extraordinary Experience in Modern Contexts.
  • (2019) “The Dark Knight Rises: Shamanic Transformations in Gotham City” yn D. Caterine a J.W. Morehead (goln.) The Paranormal and Popular Culture: A Post-Modern Religious Landscape.
  • (2017) “Ontological Flooding and Continuing Bonds” yn D. Klass ac E.M. Steffen (goln.) Continuing Bonds in Bereavement: New Directions for Research and Practice.
  • (2015) Entries on “Ectoplasm,” “Mediumship,” and “Discarnate Entities” yn M. Cardin (gol.) Ghosts, Spirits and Psychics: The Paranormal from Alchemy to Zombies.
  • (2015) “On the Nature of the Psilocybe Folk: Psychedelic, Psychoid Persons” yn R. Dickins a T. Read (goln.) Out of the Shadows: A Cornucopia from the Psychedelic Press.
  • (2015) “Music and Altered States of Consciousness in Shamanism and Spirit Possession: An Overview of the Literature” yn S. Parsons a C. Cooper (goln.) Paracoustics: Sound and the Paranormal.
  • (2015) “ ‘Beyond Castaneda: A Brief History of Psychedelics in Anthropology” yn D. King, D. Luke, B. Sessa, C. Adams ac A. Tollan (goln.) Neurotransmissions: Essays on Psychedelics from Breaking Convention.
  • (2013) “ ‘Numinous Conversations: Performance and Manifestation of Spirits in Spirit Possession Practices” yn A. Voss a W. Rowlandson (goln.) Daimonic Imagination: Uncanny Intelligence.
  • (2011) “The Anthropology of the Weird: Ethnographic Fieldwork and Anomalous Experience” yn G. Taylor (gol.) Darklore Cyf. VI.

Erthyglau mewn Cyfnodolion

  •  (2022). ‘Parapsychology and The Varieties of High Strangeness Experience.’ Mindfield: Bulletin of the Parapsychological Association, Rhif. 13.3, tt. 7-11.
  • (2022). ‘The Folklore of the Tanat Valley: Fairies, Giants and Forgotten Ecological Knowledge.’ Newsletter of the Fairy Investigation Society, Ionawr 2022, tt. 31-47.
  • (2021. Erthygl olygyddol: “…not the action of mind upon matter, but the action of mind-matter upon matter-mind…”: A World of Many Minds in Archaeology and Ethnography.’ Time and Mind: Journal of Archaeology, Consciousness and Culture, Cyf. 14, Rhif. 4, tt 481-485.
  • (2021). ‘Antropoloog Jack Hunter: ‘Bedrog kan het paranormale triggeren’.’ ParaVisie, Rhagfyr 2021, tt. 19-22. 
  • (2021). ‘Fairies in the Tanat Valley.’ Tanat Valley Chronicle, Mehefin 2021.
  •  ‘Erthygl olygyddol: Stone, People and Place.’ Time and Mind: Journal of Archaeology, Consciousness and Culture, Cyf. 14, Rhif 2, tt 179-180.
  • (2021). ‘MA Ecology and Spirituality: Cefndir a Chyfweliad gyda Dr Andy Letcher.’ Journal for the Study of Religious Experience, Cyf. 7, Rhif 2, tt. 140-145.
  • (2021). ‘Erthygl olygyddol: Religious Experience and Ecology.’ Journal for the Study of Religious Experience, Cyf. 7, Rhif 2, tt. 3-16.
  • (2021). ‘Deep Weird: High Strangeness, Boggle Thresholds and Damned Data in Academic Research on Extraordinary Experience.’ Journal for the Study of Religious Experience, Cyf. 7, Rhif. 1, tt. 5-18.
  • (2021). ‘Erthygl olygyddol: The Future of Research on Religious and Spiritual Experience.’ Journal for the Study of Religious Experience, Cyf. 7, Rhif. 1, tt. 2-4.
  • (2021). ‘What About Traditional Ecological Knowledge? Further Thoughts on ‘Are Plants Sentient?’’ Edgescience, Rhif. 45, tt. 17-19.
  • (2020). ‘Adolygiad: Diabolical Possession and the Case Behind the Exorcist.’ Journal of Parapsychology, Cyf. 84, Rhif 2, tt. 333-334.
  • (2020). ‘Adolygiad: Understanding Religion: Empirical Perspectives in Practical Theology.’ Journal of Empirical Theology, Cyf. 33, Rhif. 1, tt. 152-153.
  • (2020). ‘Sacred Landscapes and Philosophical Gardens: Religious Education as a Response to Climate Change.’ RE Today Magazine, Cyf. 38, Rhif. 1, tt. 53-56.
  • (2020). ‘Parapsychology and the Ecological Self.’ Mindfield: Bulletin of the Parapsychological Association, Cyf. 12, Rhif. 1, tt. 15-18.
  • (2020). ‘Faeries at the Bottom of the Garden: Non-Human Intelligence and Nature Connection.’ The Supernatural Magazine (Ar-lein).
  • (2020) Hunter, J. a Paphitis, T. ‘Cyflwyniad Golygyddion.’ Time and Mind: Journal of Archaeology, Consciousness and Culture, Cyf. 13, Rhif. 1, tt. 1-3.
  • (2020). ‘The Next Generation of Parapsychology Researchers’ (Cyfweliad). Mindfield: Bulletin of the Parapsychological Association, Cyf. 11, Rhif. 3, tt. 118-119.
  • (2019). ‘Adolygiad: Secret Body: Erotic and Esoteric Currents in the History of Religion and Ecologies of Participation: Agents, Shamans, Mystics, and Diviners.’ Religion and Society, Cyf. 10, tt. 185-186.
  • (2019). ‘Religious Experience and Ecological Participation: Animism, Nature Connectedness and Fairies.’ De Numine: The Journal and Newsletter of the Alister Hardy Trust, Rhif. 6, tt. 4-9
  • (2019). ‘The Contribution of Anthropology to our Understanding of Religion (and how RE and Anthropology might be able to help each other out).’ RE Today Magazine, Haf 2019, tt. 64-69.
  • (2019). ‘Rev. Elias Owen and the Folklore of the Tanat Valley.’ Tanat Valley Chronicle, Ebrill 2019, t. 5.
  • (2018). ‘Adolygiad: Edward Burnett Tylor, Religion and Culture.’ Fieldwork in Religion, Cyf. 13, Rhif. 2, tt 231-233.
  • (2018). ‘Adolygiad: Paranormal America: Ghost Encounters, UFO Sightings, Bigfoot Hunts, and Other Curiosities in Religion and Culture.’ Religion and Society, Cyf. 9, tt. 192-193.
  • (2018). ‘Preliminary Report on Extraordinary Experience in Permaculture: Collapsing the Natural/Supernatural Divide.’ Journal of Exceptional Experiences and Psychology, Cyf. 6, Rhif. 1, tt. 12-22.
  • (2018). ‘Reflecting on Edith Turner’s Work and Influence.’ Journal for the Study of Religious Experience. Cyf. 4, Rhif. 1. tt. 102-104.
  • (2017). ‘Re-Thinking Charles Fort.’ Bulletin of the British Association for the Study of Religion, Rhif. 131, Tachwedd 2017, tt. 22-24.
  • (2017). ‘Reflecties op Paranthropology.’ Tijdschrift voor Parapsychologie & Bewustzijnsonderzoek, Cyf. 84, Rhif. 2, tt. 8-11 (Cyfieithwyd gan Fred Melssen).
  • (2017). ‘Religious Education and the Paranormal: Reflections on Discussing Anomalous Experiences in the Classroom.’ Religious Studies News: Spotlight on Teaching, Hydref, tt. 4-8.
  • (2016). ‘Engaging the Anomalous: Reflections from the Anthropology of the Paranormal.’ European Journal of Psychotherapy and Counselling, Cyf. 18, Rhif. 2, tt. 170-178.
  • (2016). ‘Ordinary Theology in the Classroom: Experience and Belief in Secondary Religious Education.’ RE Today Magazine, Cyf. 33, Rhif 2, tt. 58-61.
  • (2016). ‘Religious Education and the Paranormal: Discussing Anomalous and Exceptional Experiences in the R.E. Classroom.’ Anomaly: Journal of Research into the Paranormal.
  • (2016). ‘Ghosts, Spirits and Gods: Perspectives from Anthropology.’ Anomaly: Journal of Research into the Paranormal.
  • (2015). ‘“Between Realness and Unrealness”: Anthropology, Parapsychology and the Ontology of Non-Ordinary Realities.’ Diskus: Journal of the British Association for the Study of Religion, Cyf. 17, Rhif. 2, tt. 4-20.
  • (2015). ‘“Spirits are the Problem”: Anthropology and Conceptualising Spiritual Beings.’ Journal for the Study of Religious Experience, Cyf. 1, Rhif. 1, tt. 76-86.
  • (2015). ‘Three Legends of Llanrhaeadr-ym-Mochnant: Re-Animating the Landscape.’ The Chronicle: Newspaper for the Tanat, Cain and Vyrnwy Valleys, Ebrill 2015, tt. 24-25.
  • (2015) Luke, D. a Hunter. J ‘Talking With the Spirits: Ethnographies from Between the Worlds: An Overview.’ Paranormal Review: Magazine of the Society for Psychical Research, Rhif. 73, tt. 18-20.
  • (2014) Caswell, J.M., Hunter, J. a Tessaro, L.W.E ‘Phenomenological Convergence Between Major Paradigms of Classic Parapsychology and Cross-Cultural Practices: An Exploration of Paranthropology.’ Journal of Consciousness Exploration and Research, Cyf. 5, Rhif. 5, tt. 467-482.
  • (2014). ʻParanthropology: Towards a Parapsychological Anthropologyʼ Anomaly: Journal of Research into the Paranormal, Cyf. 47, tt. 102-112.
  • (2014). ʻDefinitions, Origins, Functions and Experiences: Trends in the Anthropology of the Supernatural from Tylor to Turner.ʼ Beyond Borderlands: A Critical Journal of the Weird and Occult, Rhif. 0, tt. 6-11.
  • (2013). ʻCyflwyniad: Taking Experience Seriously.ʼ Paranthropology: Journal of Anthropological Approaches to the Paranormal, Cyf. 4, Rhif. 3, tt. 3-8.
  • (2013). ʻBeyond Castaneda: A Brief History of Psychedelics in Anthropology (Rhan 2).ʼ Psychedelic Press III, tt. 59-66.
  • (2013). ʻBeyond Castaneda: A Brief History of Psychedelics in Anthropology (Rhan 1).ʼ Psychedelic Press II, tt. 9-14.
  • (2012). ʻExpressions of Spirithood: Performance and the Manifestation of Spirits.ʼ Anomaly: Journal of Research into the Paranormal, Cyf. 46, tt. 144-156.
  • (2012). ʻOn the Nature of the Psilocybe Folk.ʼ Psychedelic Press I, tt 3-5.
  • (2012). ‘Anthropology and the Supernatural: From Spirits to Consciousness.ʼ Edgescience: Current Research & Insights, Rhifyn 10, tt. 14-17.
  • (2012). ʻContemporary Physical Mediumship: Is It Part of a Continuous Tradition?ʼ Paranthropology: Journal of Anthropological Approaches to the Paranormal, Cyf. 3, Rhif 1, tt. 35-43.
  • (2012). ‘EMFs and Spirit Mediumship: A Research Proposal.’ Seriously Strange Magazine, Rhifyn 138, tt. 16-17.
  • (2011). ‘The Anthropology of Spirit Mediumship: Mediumship, Animism and Altered States of Consciousness.’ Anomaly: Journal of Research Into the Paranormal, Rhif. 45, tt. 128-142.
  • (2011). ʻPsychical and Anthropological Approaches to Spirit Mediumship.ʼ Seriously Strange Magazine, Rhifyn 137, tt. 13-15.
  • (2011). ʻTalking With the Spirits: Anthropology and Interpreting Spirit Communicators.ʼ Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, Cyf. 75.3, Rhif. 904, tt. 129-142.
  • (2011). ‘Adolygiad: The Great God Pan by Arthur Machen and The House on the Borderland by William Hope Hodgson.’ The Bristol Magazine: The Magazine for the City of Bristol, Rhifyn 88, t. 44.
  • (2010). ʻAnthropology and the Paranormal: What’s the Point?ʼ Paranthropology: Journal of Anthropological Approaches to the Paranormal, Cyf. 1, Rhif. 1, tt. 2-4.
  • (2010). ʻThe Persistence of Spirits.ʼ The Searchlight: Newsletter of the Academy of Spirituality and Paranormal Studies, Cyf. 19, Rhif. 3, tt. 8-9.
  • (2010). ʻTalking With the Spirits: More Than a Social Reality?ʼ Paranormal Review: Magazine of the Society for Psychical Research, Ebrill 2010, Rhifyn 54, tt. 9-13.
  • (2010). ʻAnthropology and the Ontological Status of the Paranormal.ʼ Rhine-Online: Psi News Magazine, Cyf. 2, Rhif. 2. tt. 4-5.
  • (2010). ‘Talking With the Spirits: Anthropology and Interpreting Spirit Communications.’ Anomaly: Journal of Research Into the Paranormal, Cyf. 44, tt. 34-39.
  • (2010). ʻContemporary Mediumship and Seance Groups in the UK: Speculations on the Bristol Spirit Lodge.ʼ Psychical Studies: Journal of the Unitarian Society for Psychical Studies, Rhif. 76, tt. 7-13.
  • (2010). ʻThanks for the Memorates.ʼ Paranormal Magazine, Medi 2010, Rhifyn 51, t. 82.
  • (2010). ‘What Are Ghosts? My View.’ Paranormal Magazine, Mehefin 2010, Rhifyn 48, t. 64.
  • (2010). ʻThe Anthropologist and the Spiritualists.ʼ Paranormal Magazine, Ebrill  2010, Rhifyn 47, tt. 40-43.
  • (2009). ʻThe Issue of Fraud and Performance in Mediumship.ʼ PSI: Journal of Investigative Psychical Research, Cyf. 5, Rhif. 2, tt. 17-25.
  • (2009). ʻAnthropology and The Paranormal: Approaches to the Investigation of Paranormal Beliefs and Practices.ʼ Anomaly: Journal of Research Into the Paranormal, Cyf. 43, tt. 24-36.

Gwybodaeth bellach

Rwy’n sylfaenydd y cyfnodolyn ar-lein Paranthropology: Journal of Anthropological Approaches to the Paranormal, ac roeddwn yn gyd-olygydd Time and Mind: Journal of Archaeology, Consciousness and Culture â Dr Tina Paphitis rhwng 2020 a 2022.

Rwyf wedi cwblhau cwrs dylunio permaddiwylliant, a gweithiais ar brosiect One School One Planet rhwng 2016 a 2019 i ddatblygu cwricwlwm permaddiwylliant rhyngddisgyblaethol sy’n addas i’w ddefnyddio mewn ysgolion uwchradd. Roedd y gwaith hwn yn cynnwys gweithio gyda myfyrwyr o Ysgol Uwchradd Llanfyllin ym Mhowys i greu perllan treftadaeth gymunedol (Gardd Gymunedol Cae Bodfach) ac o ganlyniad arweiniodd at y gwerslyfr Small and Slow Solutions (2019).